Honestly, as I have grown up..my eyes have opened more. (i chuckled, b/c I'm asian.. hehe.. anyways..)
The Good of Earth:
Still some Good Human Beings
Innocence of Wildlife
Amazing things humans can invent
The idea of Friendship and Family
The Bad:
Animal Abuse
Abuse in general
Gangsters and wannabe gangsters (they are equally annoying and bad)
Fake "Police" (abusing their power or 'power-tripping')
Drugs and Tobacco
Justice System does not live up to its name. (ppl are often scared to defend themselves from bad ppl b/c of 'lawsuits')
North Korea exists.
Religious delusional nutjobs
Stupid teenagers
the fact that nowhere is truly safe
There is almost always more Bad news than good news on the News reports on TV.
creatures are more civilized than humans
The internet has made me realize how much idiocy and hypocricy there is in the world, just off of Youtube comments.
That's what I wrote off the top of my head.
I am usually an optimistic guy, but it's hard not to realize this.
What do you guys think of our world as of today?
More Good or more Bad?
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