I just figured the amount of deaths and lawsuits would cost the courts a lot of money, which is tax money. Not an expert opinion, just what I think would happen.
It's an absurd argument. I don't see why there would need to be laws restricting former addicts. There aren't laws that keep former alcoholics away from alcohol. That's beside the point, though. Even if all that stuff did have to accompany legalization, the fact that costly drug laws would be repealed would probably mean less laws and far less cost. Also, deaths would probably go down since a legally sold drug wouldn't have contaminants like street drugs do. There's no logic to the notion that heroin would somehow be more dangerous if it were legalized. Think of it this way, was heroin more or less safe when it was made by Bayer Pharmaceuticals?
It's not that absurd. There are laws fobiding former alcoholics from driving. It's just my opinion anyway, you can't possibly say that it would improve the situation any more then leaving them illegal. I just see a bunch of dumb kids getting high from easily obtained drugs, crashing into a car driven by a family, killing them all in the proses, and then costing the courts a bunch of money on top of it all. I know it's not really a good argument, I just really don't think it'd help any.
I certainly can say that legalization would imrpove the situation. Let's look at just a few things that would happen were it legal. Less cost on the taxpayer due to fewer or no drug laws. A pure drug that isn't mixed with poison, resulting in fewer overdoses. The drug would be cheaper so addicts wouldn't have to spend so much to support their habit. Addicts wouldn't be criminals, making it easier for them to get help, and further reducing the tax burden since they wouldn't be filling up the prisons. The production and profit from the drug would be taken out of the hands of cartels, resulting in less crime.
I could go on, but this is just a bit of what would occur. The only real drawback is that more people might do it, but that hardly outweighs the benefits listed above. People should be able to put what they want in their bodies anyway.
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