@da_illest101 said:
@t1striker said:
@da_illest101 said:
@t1striker said:
@da_illest101 said:
No I don't since I'm not a vegetarian.
What so if someone just went around, and starting shooting a bunch of dogs, and/or cats for no reason other than enjoyment you would think they were just fine. Tell you the truth if I saw someone doing this I wouldn't even call the cops, I'd shoot the bastard myself(though I would go to prison myself probably).
Well you clearly are a prick so I'll leave it at that.
PS: Not a vegetarian myself. I've killed a deer, and ate it, but if I killed that deer, and just let it rot I would hate myself.
That's one thing I will never understand, killing an animal is cruel no matter how you spin it. Eating it doesn't justified it as not being cruel. I personally never actually killed an animal in my life or even hurt one, but I'm a meat eater, animal gets kill because we love meat.
You'll never understand that killing something for a purpose(eating to survive, etc) is better than killing something just for fun(basically killing it for no reason). I don't consider Humans better than animals actually sure humans are smarter, but I would get just as mad at someone for killing a little baby as I would for killing a puppy.
I wasn't there when you killed the deer, but was it 100% necessary? Was it 100% just for food? We don't even need meat to survive that has been proven over and over again. I don't support animal killing, but how relevant can my opinion be when I love eating meat?
No it really wasn't necessary, but I was a kid that grew up with a bunch of hunters in my family, and I kinda felt like I needed to do it(peer pressure), I actually don't hunt anymore myself because I actually felt bad about shooting that deer, and given the fact that there is a bunch of meat on the shelf at the store that was already taken from animals that have been killed to feed us. Even so there is a reason for hunting deer, and that has to do with the overpopulation. If we didn't hunt deer do you even know how many deer there would be(lets just say a lot, you would probably have hit 2 deers with your car by now if not for the hunting of deer).
Also by the way you are right we don't need to eat meat to live, but to get good actual nutrition meat is an extremely good source of food. I've met quite a few Vegans, and Vegetarians, but contrary to what they say. They really do not appear to be very healthy. They appear weak, and fragile.
Like it or not we are actually meant to eat meat, but we don't need to eat meat to survive. Humans are Omnivores we eat meat, and we eat vegetables, fruit, etc. Our diet should be about 20-30% meat, and the other fruits, and vegetables. We are not Carnivores that is for certain, but guess what we can survive just on meat as well, but we will miss out on the nutrients that fruits, and vegetables carry, but meat does not, and vice versa.
PS: No I am not a doctor, but I do not take this lightly, and I like my information to be accurate, and not just some crap that I heard from someone who thinks they know it all like most people usually blurt out about stuff like this.
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