I certainly think he is...sure the guy makes some good movies, but they are just filled with so many fricking errors! it looks as if the guy doesnt even investigates about what he is going to do...the guy just puts the stuff there, he doesnt checks for errors...
take jurassic park as an example...the scene where neddy is at some cafe in costa rica, the scene shows a beach and then puts captions "san jose, costa rica" san jose is a landlocked province, therefore it has no beaches...was it really so hard to investigate about costa rica? or at least about san jose? I mean if I would make a movie, I would do research on the stuff im putting in the movie because I dont want to look like a damm fool...
also in saving private ryan, theres an scene where you can see the filming crew in the middle of a battle.
many of his movies are filled with stupid things that are nothing like in human life (i.e that costa rica thing)
yes I would say he is indeed mediocre
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