I guess what made me think of this was the occasional "So and so got banned" threads I see from time to time. I wondered if I were to get banned, would ANYBODY notice? I think, probably not. I come on here because I like to voice my opinion on things, even if its to random people like the average GS user. I enjoy writing, as well as attempting to write in an intelligent manner (makes me feel smart...err...smartER). Regardless, I suppose in the end I dont care if people notice me here in the OT, but its an interesting thing to know. I believe it crosses everyone's thoughts from time to time. So, am I noticed?? Do you yourself, feel as if your presenceis acknowledged here? Is that why you come on here? So you have an opportunity to express your opinion on a number of topics, those of which would otherwise not present themselves in most other situations? Do you feel as if by posting on here, atleast SOMEBODY is listening to you? Thats how I feel sometimes. Except for with my really close friends, whom I can talk with about anything and everything. So...thoughts?
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