Maybe I'm expecting too much, but I like at least a measured dose of authenticity and realism from movies. I know many people say that that would make many movies less fun and entertaining. I disagree in the sense that I would at like to see at least some movies to be a reflection of life and give you an idea that it might as well be real, especially from genres that are notorious for having many unrealistic and unauthentic elements. It at the very least would show that a much stronger effort went into making the movie and it would likely seem a lot more original too.
For instance, many of you might know the website Intuitor ( I love how they skillfully take movies apart not only in terms of the unrealistic scientific factors and cliches (or complete lack thereof), but also factors where logic cannot explain what happens half the time. It really puts many things into perspective that you don't even notice or think about half the time in movies. Sure, like I said, I know many movies are supposed to be approached with the suspension of disbelief mentality, but to me that's just a cheap way to lose yourself in an alternate reality that is equally as cheap. Hey, I think with all the movie making technology and the massive budgets many mainstream films get, I think they can at least make a more conscious effort to be more authentic and realistic. Not that I think they would, as they might think it would lead to more effort and less money in the end. That said, maybe what I'm looking for is more in the line of independent films.
But that's just my two cents. What do you all think?
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