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Only crazy people.duxup
I'm going to have to agree. One was ok, but two and three were just terrible.
The newer three started out with Jar jar, and ended with NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!(Do not want).
Those aren't great book ends.
The originals are so much better.
[QUOTE="Undoing_Ruin"]NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!(Do not want).OfficialJabMr. Speaker, we are for the big.
Movies are more fun with subtitles.Â
Reasons why the original Trilogy was better?
1: The characters were all instantly lovable, with personalities that influence characters in just about everything today. Heck, I'd be willing to bet that Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop was inspired by Han Solo in many ways.
2: The movies were just plain fun, they had humor, they had action, they had scary monsters and adventure and explosions, they were an absolute blast.
3: Darth Vader
 Now let's move on to why the new movies are so unimpressive:
1. The characters are all instantly HATABLE! They either have no catchy personalities, or just outright have no personality at all. There's no one, like in the first movie, who stands out for being "cool" or "entertaining". They're all just so bland.
2: Rather than simply being fun, these all took themselves too seriously. If you remember correctly, there were NO political discussions in the original trilogy, there was no brooding Anakin Skywalker, (played by an actor, by the way, who didn't even have enough talent to brood) and no melodramatic crap. It would have been better if George Lucas wasn't horrible at dramatic script-writing, but he is. He makes every single dramatic scene cheesy.
3: Jar Jar Binks is not funny. He is not cute. He was born from the idea that an incompetent amphibian who says "Mesa" and "Yousa" instead of me and you is funny. It isn't.
Begun, the opinion wars have.Reasons why the original Trilogy was better?
1: The characters were all instantly lovable, with personalities that influence characters in just about everything today. Heck, I'd be willing to bet that Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop was inspired by Han Solo in many ways.
Never seen Cowboy Bebop lol. I love all the characters in the original trilogy. But I see plenty of personality in MOST of the characters in the new ones. There are those that I don't find much in, Phantom Menace's Obi Wan, but I think it's a matter of opinion.
2: The movies were just plain fun, they had humor, they had action, they had scary monsters and adventure and explosions, they were an absolute blast.
I find plenty of humour in the new trilogy (excluding Jar Jar, defending him is a losing battle and I know it lol). I love the Gungan boss, Watto is a riot, R2 has hilarious moments too. In my opinion, just the 3 monsters in the colloseum in Attack of the Clones are better monsters than those in the originals. I don't think 1-3 were short on adventure or explosions either lol.
3: Darth Vader
It wasn't possible to include him in the new ones haha, so I can't argue there, he is awesome. The new Darths aren't quite as interesting, though I heart Darth Maul to no end.
Now let's move on to why the new movies are so unimpressive:
1. The characters are all instantly HATABLE! They either have no catchy personalities, or just outright have no personality at all. There's no one, like in the first movie, who stands out for being "cool" or "entertaining". They're all just so bland
Like I said, it depends on who you like. Obviously no one compares in coolness to Han Solo, though. And I thought Luke was terribly boring after New Hope.
2: Rather than simply being fun, these all took themselves too seriously. If you remember correctly, there were NO political discussions in the original trilogy, there was no brooding Anakin Skywalker, (played by an actor, by the way, who didn't even have enough talent to brood) and no melodramatic crap. It would have been better if George Lucas wasn't horrible at dramatic script-writing, but he is. He makes every single dramatic scene cheesy.
I like the political aspect of the plots, I think the trilogy would have been worse off without them. The brooding skywalker was necesarry, he ends up being your precious evil Vader, ofcourse. I also liked how his stages were easily defined from 2 to 3. I think the actor is a goof, and way better ones could have been chosen though.
3: Jar Jar Binks is not funny. He is not cute. He was born from the idea that an incompetent amphibian who says "Mesa" and "Yousa" instead of me and you is funny. It isn't.
No comment :oops:lol
"...but before we die I just want you to know...that I you." - Padme
^ A big reason why i don't like the newer ones more than the older ones. I think if they just got better acters and less cheesy lines, it would be better than the older ones. I think the newer ones have a better plot and better storylines, and I like the political stuff and I think movies need drama to be good (unless it's a comedy), but the acting just ruined it. Though I am not crazy about the old ones, I think they are better because they aren't cheezy.
The original trilogy (episodes 4-6) will always be superior.staindcoldlp
I agree completely, the acting and story quality was far superior in the origional triogy than in the new trilogy. The second trilogy added some good background info but it had two things that just killed it, Hayden Christensen and Jar Jar Binks.
I like the new ones. The old ones are almost painful to watch now.Sandro909
Explain please. I've waited a long time to hear someone actually defend the new trilogy. Â
5 & 6 are actually the only films that are pretty good throughout.
1 - obviously didn't retain the charm of the orginal, and after just a few years the FX are looking pretty raggy. Still Darth Maul was badass, and it did have a few good parts.
2 - Took a step in the right direction and felt alot more like a star wars film. The story was there, but executed poorly, too much vital dialog was mix in with supporting which really confused non-star wars fanboys and people who don't pay that much attention (a large portion of the audience).
3 - Was pretty ani-clamatic. I think what ruined it was nobody really bought Anikin going to the darkside. I sort of feel Lucas tried to hard to make this an epic film although he writes mediocre screen plays and can't direct himself out of a paper bag.
4 - To me this film is dumbed down and cheesey. Besides Han and Obi Wan the characters are annoying, and it's not like they do wonderful either. I'm always amazed people actually think this is on par with 5 & 6 when it's just as bad as 1 w/out Jar Jar.
5 - The only thing bad about this film is the ending, it's sort of a downer. Other than that you've got a pretty good story, most of the characters improved, and we actually see alot of what makes the star wars universe great.
6 - Ep5's downer ending was totally worth it for the awesomeness that happens at the begining of ep6. The whole film is a fun ride and is really the pinnicle of the series.
I don't think 1,2,3 are really that bad, and I do prefer 2-3 over 4. They also have there moments but overall I think Lucas directing and writing them was a giant mistake. He's a good producer but a poor writer/director. Had somebody skilled worked on ep1,2,3 they would of probably been better than the original trilogy.Â
IMO, the thing that brought Star Wars together in the first place was 4. The lightsaber scenes and battle scenes may have been cheasy. However,most people do not understand that at the time when A New Hope was made, most movies and television were color-blind. Also, the effects in A New Hope were fascinating compared to that of movies at that time.
Still deny it? Ask people a generation older than you. They will say that the image of the unbelievably long Star-Destroyer in the very first scene was first step of awing at something in a long, long, time ago ina galaxy far away.......
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