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[QUOTE="needled24-7"]I don't think it was a conspiracy, I know it was.mig_killer2prove itThe Muslims conspired to hijack the planes and fly them into the Twin Towers.
Yes, aliens did it. The only evidence of their existence was destroyed in the attack.Conanfan1so, ET did do it. that flower bringer backer to lifeson of a *****:evil:
Yes, aliens did it. The only evidence of their existence was destroyed in the attack.Conanfan1
It was the Transformers.
[QUOTE="mig_killer2"][QUOTE="needled24-7"]I don't think it was a conspiracy, I know it was.needled24-7prove itThe Muslims conspired to hijack the planes and fly them into the Twin Towers. I mean a conspiracy by the government, not some pissed of muslims
[QUOTE="needled24-7"][QUOTE="mig_killer2"][QUOTE="needled24-7"]I don't think it was a conspiracy, I know it was.mig_killer2prove itThe Muslims conspired to hijack the planes and fly them into the Twin Towers. I mean a conspiracy by the government, not some pissed of muslimsWell when you put it that way, no.
[QUOTE="mig_killer2"][QUOTE="needled24-7"][QUOTE="mig_killer2"][QUOTE="needled24-7"]I don't think it was a conspiracy, I know it was.needled24-7prove itThe Muslims conspired to hijack the planes and fly them into the Twin Towers. I mean a conspiracy by the government, not some pissed of muslimsWell when you put it that way, no. LOL
[QUOTE="mig_killer2"][QUOTE="needled24-7"]I don't think it was a conspiracy, I know it was.needled24-7prove itThe Muslims conspired to hijack the planes and fly them into the Twin Towers.
Well played, good sir.
As far as the US Government doing it....No...
Well if you watched the Zeitgeist film then you'd have some stuff to think about. Theat the scene of the plane thatcrashed in the countryside there was no plane! No wreckage, no bodies. Also there were only a few scraps of metal left as evidence that a plane crashed into the Pentagon. Apparently the rest of the plane was vaporised by the jet fuel, however they said human victims of that crash were identified by skin DNA. So a large aeroplane made of steel and titanium was vaporised but human bodies weren't. Also in the 9/11 official report, there is no mention of tower 7! The 46 story sky scraper which collapsed along with the twin towers, even though no plane had hit it and there were only fires on a few floors, the whole thing came tumbling down before either of the twin towers did. As well as this Bush, Cheney and Rice all claimed that they could not have forseen that terrorists would use commercial aircraft as weapons. However in the two years before 9/11, NORAD conducted exercises using hijacked domestic aircraft, and one of the hypothetical targets was the The World Trade Centre.
Once again watch this ZEITGEIST. If you're not comfortable with the religion part then skip forward to 36:00 and watch the 9/11 part. It is far more compelling and offers far more solid evidence.
Im gonna tell you why the US government is responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
Now, you see, the government is run by people who want to kill their own people. why is that? well, they're vampires, and they like to suck your blood. In order to get the blood, they have to kill you. they realized that lots of people go into the twin towers every day. so, they decided to give some members of al-qaeda too much phony medication that made them listen to whatever vampires had to say. so, Hillary clinton who is the real head of our government, approved of the plan to get lots of blood. how is hillary clinton the head of our government you ask? well she is the most powerful blood sucking vampire in the history of vampiredom. Now, bear in mind the government is retarded. they failed to realize you cant get blood when someone is crushed and burned by millions of tons of burning debris and jet fuel.
Im gonna tell you why the US government is responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
Now, you see, the government is run by people who want to kill their own people. why is that? well, they're vampires, and they like to suck your blood. In order to get the blood, they have to kill you. they realized that lots of people go into the twin towers every day. so, they decided to give some members of al-qaeda too much phony medication that made them listen to whatever vampires had to say. so, Hillary clinton who is the real head of our government, approved of the plan to get lots of blood. how is hillary clinton the head of our government you ask? well she is the most powerful blood sucking vampire in the history of vampiredom. Now, bear in mind the government is retarded. they failed to realize you cant get blood when someone is crushed and burned by millions of tons of burning debris and jet fuel. mig_killer2
pfff alright. Did you even watch that? You can't deny some of it is highly suspicious. The facts are right in your face. Video footage of Bush, Cheney and Rice claiming they could never have guessed that domestic flights would be hijacked and flown into the WTC. And then right after that the USA Today report on howNORAD conducted exercisesin the years beforwe 9/11 which entail that exact same scenario. You do the math, or wasmath put there byJesus to test your faith?
about flight 93, we have the black box genious. about tower 7, the force of the twin towers was absolutely massive. the fires from floors 5 to 7 and the force of the callapse compromised the structural integrity of the building. about the idea of the pentagon being a conspiracy, ask any family member of a passanger on that plane. there were actual people who witnessed the plane crash into the pentagon. COME ON!!!! Khalied Sheikh Mohhamad confessed to masterminding the attacks, which were approved by Osama bin ladenWell if you watched the Zeitgeist film then you'd have some stuff to think about. Theat the scene of the plane thatcrashed in the countryside there was no plane! No wreckage, no bodies. Also there were only a few scraps of metal left as evidence that a plane crashed into the Pentagon. Apparently the rest of the plane was vaporised by the jet fuel, however they said human victims of that crash were identified by skin DNA. So a large aeroplane made of steel and titanium was vaporised but human bodies weren't. Also in the 9/11 official report, there is no mention of tower 7! The 46 story sky scraper which collapsed along with the twin towers, even though no plane had hit it and there were only fires on a few floors, the whole thing came tumbling down before either of the twin towers did. As well as this Bush, Cheney and Rice all claimed that they could not have forseen that terrorists would use commercial aircraft as weapons. However in the two years before 9/11, NORAD conducted exercises using hijacked domestic aircraft, and one of the hypothetical targets was the The World Trade Centre.
Once again watch this ZEITGEIST. If you're not comfortable with the religion part then skip forward to 36:00 and watch the 9/11 part. It is far more compelling and offers far more solid evidence.
[QUOTE="mig_killer2"]Im gonna tell you why the US government is responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
Now, you see, the government is run by people who want to kill their own people. why is that? well, they're vampires, and they like to suck your blood. In order to get the blood, they have to kill you. they realized that lots of people go into the twin towers every day. so, they decided to give some members of al-qaeda too much phony medication that made them listen to whatever vampires had to say. so, Hillary clinton who is the real head of our government, approved of the plan to get lots of blood. how is hillary clinton the head of our government you ask? well she is the most powerful blood sucking vampire in the history of vampiredom. Now, bear in mind the government is retarded. they failed to realize you cant get blood when someone is crushed and burned by millions of tons of burning debris and jet fuel. bradleybhoy
pfff alright. Did you even watch that? You can't deny some of it is highly suspicious. The facts are right in your face. Video footage of Bush, Cheney and Rice claiming they could never have guessed that domestic flights would be hijacked and flown into the WTC. And then right after that the USA Today report on howNORAD conducted exercisesin the years beforwe 9/11 which entail that exact same scenario. You do the math, or wasmath put there byJesus to test your faith?
the USAF did actually scramble fighters. the pilots thought they were shooting down cruise missiles coming in from the east coast[QUOTE="bradleybhoy"][QUOTE="mig_killer2"]Im gonna tell you why the US government is responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
Now, you see, the government is run by people who want to kill their own people. why is that? well, they're vampires, and they like to suck your blood. In order to get the blood, they have to kill you. they realized that lots of people go into the twin towers every day. so, they decided to give some members of al-qaeda too much phony medication that made them listen to whatever vampires had to say. so, Hillary clinton who is the real head of our government, approved of the plan to get lots of blood. how is hillary clinton the head of our government you ask? well she is the most powerful blood sucking vampire in the history of vampiredom. Now, bear in mind the government is retarded. they failed to realize you cant get blood when someone is crushed and burned by millions of tons of burning debris and jet fuel. mig_killer2
pfff alright. Did you even watch that? You can't deny some of it is highly suspicious. The facts are right in your face. Video footage of Bush, Cheney and Rice claiming they could never have guessed that domestic flights would be hijacked and flown into the WTC. And then right after that the USA Today report on howNORAD conducted exercisesin the years beforwe 9/11 which entail that exact same scenario. You do the math, or wasmath put there byJesus to test your faith?
the USAF did actually scramble fighters. the pilots thought they were shooting down cruise missiles coming in from the east coastI ought to do my own research. I apologise.
Of course...And America never landed on the moon and their really were WMD in Iraq. :DMrnebbiethere are some people who actually believe both of those things. the WMD theory is a little bit more plausible (did I spell that right? oh who cares!?) anyway, the idea is that saddam hussein actually smuggled the WMDs out of the country into syria.
[QUOTE="mig_killer2"][QUOTE="bradleybhoy"][QUOTE="mig_killer2"]Im gonna tell you why the US government is responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
Now, you see, the government is run by people who want to kill their own people. why is that? well, they're vampires, and they like to suck your blood. In order to get the blood, they have to kill you. they realized that lots of people go into the twin towers every day. so, they decided to give some members of al-qaeda too much phony medication that made them listen to whatever vampires had to say. so, Hillary clinton who is the real head of our government, approved of the plan to get lots of blood. how is hillary clinton the head of our government you ask? well she is the most powerful blood sucking vampire in the history of vampiredom. Now, bear in mind the government is retarded. they failed to realize you cant get blood when someone is crushed and burned by millions of tons of burning debris and jet fuel. bradleybhoy
pfff alright. Did you even watch that? You can't deny some of it is highly suspicious. The facts are right in your face. Video footage of Bush, Cheney and Rice claiming they could never have guessed that domestic flights would be hijacked and flown into the WTC. And then right after that the USA Today report on howNORAD conducted exercisesin the years beforwe 9/11 which entail that exact same scenario. You do the math, or wasmath put there byJesus to test your faith?
the USAF did actually scramble fighters. the pilots thought they were shooting down cruise missiles coming in from the east coastI ought to do my own research. I apologise.
I have to admit, I didn't get that off the internet. it was on the history channel. its gonna be really hard to find though.BTW, the fighters were scrambled, but it was far too late for them to do any good.
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