Consciousness means the ability to experience life. However there is no proof for consiousness so how can it be true?
We can only be sure that the person that is conscious is the one experiencing it. So I can only know that I'm conscious but cannot know or prove that anyone else is. This becomes illogical cause its something that we cannot prove in any way but know that it exists because we exist.
You can make an argument that conciousness arises out of intelligence but that creates a lot of illogical assumptions. First of all you would have to assume that since our brain is basically interactions of atoms then any interactions cause consciousness. Such as a computer, cities, Planet. This however sounds wrong however we can't prove it.
Also another issue comes into play. What causes you to be conscious in the body, place and time you are in?
This is something that science cannot prove but we experience. So is it real?
It's a strawman to say that the brain is just a bunch of atoms interacting. While that's technically true (because everything is made of atoms), it's a gross oversimplification. What allows the brain to produce consciousness is that it is able to process information via neuronal interactions. It has nothing to do with the chemicals being used. Rather, it's an emergent property of networking and cellular communication. The chemicals and electrical signals are all just tools that fascillitate that communication.
A rock cannot have consciousness because it cannot process any kind of information. It is simply inert matter. The same goes for planets and stars. Cities are not conscious because, again, nothing is being processed nor are they really even a singular entity but rather just dense concentrations of buildings and other human construction.
A computer, however, could theoretically have consciousness. It is not absurd to think that at all since computers are essentially artificial brains. They're very rudimentary brains, hence the reason they're not conscious and are nowhere near being conscious yet, but they could get to that point as technology and understanding of neural networking keeps progressing.
I think this also answers your other question about what causes conciousness. It's nothing mystical, it's just a matter of having a sufficientlly powerful processor (or to be more precise, one that is constructed in a certain way, but I won't get into that). Proof of this lies in animals. Not all members of the kingdom animalia are what you would consider conscious. There are some really simple animals out there that have nervous systems, but said nervous systems are so basic that the animal really just acts on hardwired, preprogrammed responses to specific stimuli and nothing else. You don't get a fully conscious creature until the nervous system gets a lot more complex, which thus shows that the nervous system (specficially the central nervous system) is what is responsible for your consciousness.
You are confusing brain activity with consciousness. Consciouness it the ability for some entity to experience life. Where does it arise. Do we need neurons for consiouness but then who makes those specifications? You say that consciouness is the processing of information therefore a computer could be conscious. Well computers do proccess information millions of times faster than we do so are they millions of times more conscious? And by that analogy a city is conscious since a city does processes information. Once example an invader is coming to capture your city so the city will set up defences and have soldiers prepared. That happens with proccessing of information. However we know that it is the people that do this. But the same way neurons do this in our brains so if we are conscious why isn't the city. They both process information. Same for planes information does get proccessed. And even for rocks if a rocks interacts by some way is it still conscious since the interactions that you claim make up consciouness are as simple as a rock going to place A to place B. So if consciouness is not mystical then prove that anyone is conscious. Show why some people are born to be a peasant and others kings. Who chooses this? What chooses this? And where do our consciousness that make up our entity comes from?In response:
- No we don't "need" neurons. Hypothetically speaking any system capable of encoding and communicating information could create consciousness. I don't know what to make about your point of "who makes those specifications" since I don't really understand what you're getting at there. It seems like you're presuming that there must be some sort of creator
- Computers do not computer information as fast as humans. While they are on a completely different level than us when it comes to calculations and certain other tasks, they're absolutely terrible at tasks that humans perform with barely any effort at all. For example, facial recognition and emotional recognition are tasks that the human brain does in less than a fraction of a second. In contrast, it takes computers hours to do the same task, if they can even do it at all. Again, going back to what I said about a processor needing to be "constructed in a certain way" in my original post, it's not necessarily the raw power of the processor but rather it's properities. Computers use serial processing which is fine when you only need to combat a task with a singular focus. It sucks when you have to do multiple different types of processing at once though. Brains, on the other hand, use parallel processing (and probably use both serial and parallel). Parallel processing allows one task to be split up into multiple different tasks and tackled by different processors, and the degree to which the brain utilizes this makes even the world's most powerful supercomputer look like a basic arthematic calculator.
- A city does not process. The example you gave about a city setting up defenses is not the city's doing, but the populace's doing. In other words, it is groups of already conscious creatures that are performing the actions.
- If you think that a single rock is capable of processing then it's safe to say that you do not understand what processing even is
- What makes a person a king and another a peasant? I suggest you take some sociology and psychology courses and find out for yourself ;)
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