i[QUOTE="MarineJcksn"][QUOTE="YeahYes"][QUOTE="MarineJcksn"] See that's where I'm worried. If Ron Paul doesn't get the republican nomination he'll probably run as a 3rd party and if that happens Hilary will win. Do you remember what happened in 92 when Bush, Clinton and Perot ran? Ross Perot got almost 13% of the vote which lead to Clinton winning the election with the lowest percentage of any US president in History. Voting on a 3rd party candidate is equal to not voting at all imo. A 3rd party has never and probably will never win.
I think he said he wouldn't run as 3rd party or Independent. Maybe he should though since there would be no actual difference between Hillary and Rudy
You're serious? No honestly, you're totally serious?
Ok, I agree that Rudy is the most liberal of all the conservative republican candidates but comparing him to Hildog is just plain wrong. Look how he cleaned up New York City and the way he responded to 9/11. Yes, he could've done an even better job but the fact of the matter is that Hilary could've NEVER accomplish what he has. What has she done politically in her senate career that's had ANY impact whatsoever on New York or America for that matter?
What has ANY senator done that hasmade a significant difference. And the fact that you think Guillani cleaned up NY proves to me (who lives in NY) that you have done no research on the man.
What are specific things that Guillani did after 9/11 that makes him a hero??? Take pictures. Make speeches while collecting millions of dollars. The real hero after 9/11 is Bloomberg who stabilized the city.
Ill agree with you on Bloomberg, the man really was awesome. But I have done some research on Rudy and crime statistics went down substantially while he was in office from where they were before he took over. But you're right, I didn't live in New York so I don't know the whole story maybe he wasn't largely responsible for the positive results.
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