Well I never thought I would see the day that I make a girl help thread....a sad day indeed. This is definetly not the usual "girl" thread because the girl I am questioning has been going out with me for close toa 1.5 years.
So as of September 4th we have been going to the same college and it was going great at the beginning. We hung out more often than not with my roommatesoften as well(one of which is my good friend from home and the other a 'random'). Well it seems to me in the past week she has been pretty moody (i know for fact it is not 'that time of the month') and has actually been talking to my 'random' roomate a lot. The 3 of us went out to linch today and she seemed to secretly only want to talk to him and would smile at him when she did. On the other side me, her and my roomate from home went out for dinner and she hardly said a word.
We were hanging out in my dorm tonight with my friend roomate and at one point he wanted a cig so the twon of them went out to bum one and they did. My friend roomate came back but she did not. She decided on her way in to go to the dorm common room where coincedently my 'random' roomate was. I texted her a while later. I asked "are you still in the common room? we were out for a while'" after coming back from a walk that we invited her to join. she replies "yes i am". Response: oh wow....you can come abck up if you wanna..". Her" "im fine". Response: "ok..have fun". Her"I am a lot actually". Response: "ok..".
She then later came back to my room with my random roomate and proceeded to make one of my last two popcorns. I accomodated her and was as kind as ever. When she left I went for a kiss, she averted it for a hug. I then went in for a kiss right after and she gave me the cheek.... that really scared me.
I'm real sorry for the rant but I had nowhere else to go to. If anyone has some real advice it would be much appreciated.
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