As an Englishman, I'm not well versed on US rights when it comes to guns, but here's something I want to throw out there:
Do you (Americans) think it is a benefit to the US that guns are legal? The feeling I often get is "because guns are legal, I must arm to the teeth just in case I get robbed by a guy with a gun". Would you rather have had it that guns were never made legal in the first place?
The thing is that people will kill people and continue to do that for all eternity. If guns were illegal for the most part such as they are in the UK then only the government and criminals would have guns. Criminals wouldn't care about the obviously and you as an unarmed citizen would be victim of the ever-increasing tyranny of your government as we so clearly can see with the UK. Hell you can't buy cutterly for cooking without age restrictions. One day your government could put you all in trains and send you off to work camps and you'd have no way to stop them. The founding fathers of the US felt that if government went out of hand it would be the duty of the citizens to utilize their 2nd amendment rights to remove the tyranny.
I'd rather have every single adult person in this country have an arsenal than only my government and criminals have them. There's no "because guns are legal, I must arm to the teeth just in case I get robbed by a guy with a gun". It's all optional. Many people here have guns for the sole purpose of self defense because it's a wonderful deterrent to would-be wrongdoers. I could rob people all day long in the UK but here in the US I have to assume everyone has a gun and will use it to defend their lives. If you look into it some more you'll find that gun ownership works quite well in civilized nations. Look into Switzerland.
Shooting sports are just about the safest sports of every sport out there.
Here are some pictures that basically sum up my points:
I hope that has helped. If not I invite you to come to the U.S. to take some firearms safety and training courses and go to a shooting range with me. It's quite fun to hit milk jugs at 500 yards with a one of the Lee-Enfield rifles Britain used for their military but banned from their citizens.
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