they not sociapaths, just bringing togethr the internt and reality. Sum ppl still think the two are seperete. Ppl need to take moar ownership ov wht they say be it online or elsehwere and take the consequnces of wht they say as if they were on the street. Say, if someone cussed you momma to your face, you'd have a response? well, these guys had a response too. and this will get more prevelent as the internet becomes mainstream in all its facets. its warning for internet warriors;
back up your trashtalk wiuth real life muscle or shiut the hell up.
wht cud be more simpler
If you actually go around beating up anyone that offends you in real life as well, yes, you are a sociopath or someone with severe impulse problems.
i dont, but sum ppl do. thts the point. on the street ppl are aware of this, wqhich is why it doesnb't happen as much on teh street as it does online with such mismatched characters. I'd say, esxsentially somone oin the street who trashtalks random ppl is a sociapath. the point i am, making is there is an ever decresing distance between online and realife and this perhapds is an example of this happening
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