If not for these people I would not have been able to reach this prestigous number so early, and had such a good time along the way:
Blackleech & jakeboudeville: You two were the first people to welcome me into RC and show me the way of it, I owe you guys so much, for being there, always... stalking me... helping me along and just being there for me:)
Danc1989 & SolidSnake35: For Welcoming me into your UCB and being there for me, giving me the opportunity to experience a different side of GS, you two were also the first ones to add me to MSN, you two being there has been noticed and appreciated.:)
Cutekitten6_18: For being the first to nominate me for OTcars, you helped to make my day by being the first to show I was noticed and appreciated. You have also been nothing but nice to me, giving words of encouragement when I am down, and just making me laugh and smile when I am here enjoying my time here. Thank you for being there, and being you.:)
LJS9502_Basic: I always enjoy your debates, and despite what others may think you have a fun side as well. You are nice, intelligent, and have always treated me like I belonged. Just for that alone it helped others do the same with your influence & respect I was able to ride your coattails to popularity:oops:
megagene: You have also been nice to me since the very first day I have come to OT. Always ready to have a good time, and to help whenever you are able. Behavior such as yours is always noticed by those who matter, and you do a big part to making OT a wonderful place to come to and spend time at. Thank you for your part in helping me feel welcomed:)
-PureDemon- & TransparentFire: You guys will always come in a pair to me. Both nice, and both of you have been there for me when I have needed someone there. Never making me feel inadequate and going out of your way to help me with these I have needed. I know I can count on the both of you to be there for me if I ever need you, and I hope you will think of me if you guys ever need anything as well.
KMX: Bearer of my name. You always amaze me with your manloving abilities even if you did lose ManLover to Druggie:P You're a great guy, thank you for helping me along the way and I look forward to having you there in the future. Please, don't ever change.8)
Canuck3000: Always there with Hockey info even if I don't want it:P You're a nice guy, your posts are amazing, I stare in awe daily and hope maybe someday to have as many myself 8) For all the ladies... this guy likes Hugs, so give him some love... please:)
Cougar: You're funny, have an awesome Avi and your sig isn't bad as well:P I wish you would be around more, but you love those Wii sports games:P Since I'm not greedy I'll take what i can get, and thank you for making the time you have to make my life a little less lonely:)
Moderation Crew: Thank you guys for allowing us to have such a thing as RC's and post parties. They help keep people like me going and satisfied...:oops: Please don't ever ban me, I will try my best to behave, I promise *looks innocent*:)
I could go on all night and thank many more of those. This party just isn't for me, it's for all of you that have been there with me along the way, so please, enjoy yourselves everyone, because I sure plan to myself 8) *Opens Doors* Happy Posting everyone and once again.... thank you all:)
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