Discuss your dreams. If they're funny or scary, or if you think they mean anything. I'll start: 2 nights ago, I had a dream I was with some people in a suburban area, and we were stargazing, and I saw 4 bright green UFO's. But no one believed me. Next thing I know i'm on a freeway, with no cars in sight. Ahead of me there is a big mountain, and above it is lots of clouds. A big bright light peaks through the clouds, I fall on my knees, and for some reason try to grab it, presumably a giant UFO. And last night, I had a dream about a series of horror movies, I am forced to watch them, and the movie becomes real, the first is ghostface (from "Scream") chasing me in my house, the only thing distracting him is my brother playing XBOX. I was deeply afraid of him. The next movie I was in my backyard, and a woman appears from the shadows, and tells me to run to the chapel because there are strange shadows beings chasing us. The chapel is IN my backyard for some reason. I get inside and there are priests standing around. I stand on a weird circle in the middle, and all the sudden two giant monsters crash through the top of the chapel battling. I was enjoying the monsters fighting and was happy I wasn't being chased.
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