HD-DVD is cheaper, and delievers same quality as Blu-Ray, and both go 1080p, but maybe blu-ray compresses more, w/e. DVD is still the king right now, and I'm not gonna give a **** until this format war is over with. I mean, we still have alternatives like multi-layered DVD's, and with MS Compressions software, we don't need Blu-Ray that much.
Yet the people who put Blu-Ray in the PS3 are basically paying every game company that makes an exclusive for them to say 'We cannot make this without Blu-Ray, blu-ray was a total neccessity to make this", it's total and utter CRAP, cuz remember..who makes Blu-Ray? You guessed it, SONY! Why would sony say their own stuff sucks? They know it sucks, but they aren't gonna tell you that.
So I voted DVD, because just like VHS vs Betamax, DVD vs Laserdisc, and now, HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray, it's going to be a marketing war, but I'm surprised how long this HD-DVD and BRD war is going on, it's nice to see that both Toshiba and Sony have learned something from Histories mistakes. I just can't wait for this to blow over, cuz they are not that different from regular HD quality stuff, it's just at a bigger resolution, that's really it, sure it's got cool special features and stuff, but it's just the resolution that people care about.
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