Which do you guys perfer to use to read? An electronic E reader or old fashioned paper? Personally I enjoy reading books but e readers seem pretty convenient so I might go ahead and buy one.
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[QUOTE="imaps3fanboy"]paper, I like the physical aspects of having things like books, and CD's.thegergUh, e-readers are physical things too. .. you know what I mean
I love e-books. They make my life so easy. I have been able to get all my text books and academic journals on my kindle. I have SAVED SO MUCH MONEY with my kindle. Instead of buying textbooks, or printing out articles I just put them on my kindle at no cost. Most collegiate books can be found in some kind of electronic format. Why spend loads of money on heavy books to carry around when you can save that money and travel light?
Buying a kindle was one of the best purchases I ever made.
P.S. This should be a poll.
I would rather have a book over an e-reader. I love the heft of a book in my hands, plus they look good in my bookcases.
E Ink reader for almost everything, EXCEPT things which are totally epic. Sure, carrying around a copy of War and Peace or The Lord of the Rings Trilogy isn't as convenient as having it on an e-reader, but it SHOULDN'T be as convenient, simply carrying those books should feel like a journey :P
Do I have to have a preference?
It depends what I'm reading for.
I quite enjoy reading and collecting paper books. Browsing through the books at a library or book store is one of my favorite ways to spend an afternoon. I always carry around a paperback copy of my favorite book with me, because I just like having it there. My goal is to start my own little used book store when I retire. Spending my days in a room filled from top to bottom with books would be brilliant.
But at the same time ereaders are extremely convenient. If I need a book for class it is often as simple as navigating to a website and hitting "purchase," a process that takes all of a minute, instead of calling around to book stores to see if they carry the book and then driving to get it, or ordering it online and waiting a week to get it. And while I carry around one paperback book, with my ereader I can have hundreds of books in the same space, which is fantastic for traveling. And if I don't have anything to read, but don't feel like traveling to acquire a book, I can browse through a huge catalog of books from my room. There is a built in dictionary in my ereader, so when I don't know a word it is as simple as highlighting it and hitting "look up". Quick and simple. Great for when I'm reading for class or a book club and just want to read as much as quickly as possible.
The thing is, sometimes when I'm reading for pleasure I like taking the time to search for words in my huge dictionary. And those books that are filled with pictures and graphs don't work so well on the ereaders I've used.
But it isn't the book I like so much, it is the information inside. Both of these formats provide that. I like both. Why does it have to be one or the other?
[QUOTE="imaps3fanboy"][QUOTE="thegerg"] But I don't think you understand what you mean. A CD holds a digital copy of music, just as an e-reader holds a digital copy of a book.thegergWhen you're reading an e-reader can you look at the artwork of the covers like you can on a CD? Yes.Is it in color?
[QUOTE="WhiteKnight77"]Is it in color? Mine isn't, but many e-readers are. How's the selection?[QUOTE="thegerg"] Yes.thegerg
[QUOTE="WhiteKnight77"]Mine isn't, but many e-readers are.Is it in color?
My Sis got a Kindle for her birthday and it has the new e-ink and it doesn't show color either.
[QUOTE="thegerg"][QUOTE="imaps3fanboy"] .. you know what I meanimaps3fanboyBut I don't think you understand what you mean. A CD holds a digital copy of music, just as an e-reader holds a digital copy of a book. When you're reading an e-reader can you look at the artwork of the covers like you can on a CD?Yes...you can. :|
Yes.Is it in color?[QUOTE="thegerg"][QUOTE="imaps3fanboy"] When you're reading an e-reader can you look at the artwork of the covers like you can on a CD?WhiteKnight77
That would depend on the ereader. Though I think currently the ereaders that are in color are all LCD screens (so technically more like a tablet than an ereader) instead of E-Ink. Though there have been some very cool color E-Ink displays on display at different expos and shows recently. It wouldn' surprise me if current ereaders make huge improvements in the near future.
I'd rather not have my access to books limited to the battery.
The battery on the Kindle literally can be on (with wireless off) for 30 days straight before it needs to be recharged.
How's the selection? How's what selection? The assortment of books you can buy[QUOTE="imaps3fanboy"][QUOTE="thegerg"] Mine isn't, but many e-readers are.thegerg
I'd rather not have my access to books limited to the battery.
The battery on the Kindle literally can be on (with wireless off) for 30 days straight before it needs to be recharged.
Indeed. "Oh look, I have a low battery. Perhaps I should recharge my battery within the next week or so."[QUOTE="BuryMe"]
I'd rather not have my access to books limited to the battery.
The battery on the Kindle literally can be on (with wireless off) for 30 days straight before it needs to be recharged.
Yeah, my current ereader is at 81% battery and I haven't charged it since last month. And when I do charge it it only takes an hour or two to charge fully. It isn't so much of an issue. Not to mention if for some reason I couldn't find the time to charge my battery once monthly and my battery ever does die when I'm in the middle of a good book that I can't put down I can simply transfer the book to my computer or a phone and continue reading from there.
[QUOTE="thegerg"][QUOTE="imaps3fanboy"] .. you know what I meanimaps3fanboyBut I don't think you understand what you mean. A CD holds a digital copy of music, just as an e-reader holds a digital copy of a book. When you're reading an e-reader can you look at the artwork of the covers like you can on a CD?
feast your eyes on this
as for me I have yet to buy a true dedicated ereader, but if I were to get I would probably get the latest nook
full touch screen with e-ink. Until then I have my itouch to read ebooks on.
Personally I wish hard copies of books would come with a free digital copy. I would so love that.mindstorm
You are not alone. I have a Kindle reader on my phone and it would be nice to have in those places where I can't necessarily carry a book.
Paper is better, but a nook is great as it doesn't have a LCD.Blacklight2
Same with the Kindle. Honestly, I never thought e-ink would be that great, until I saw a Kindle my friend had. The screen is fantastic, and is almost exactly the same as reading a paper book. I still prefer a hard copy book though, but the Kindle is definitely awesome.
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