first just want to say that this is my 7th week sober from crack, God testess us and blesses us let's us never forget the forgiveness we received from Him.
My crack dealer overdosed on those crack edibles he sold me and i decided i needed to stop. have a forum full of recovering and in-recovery people looking to hook up with you and get you as well connected as possible. fast and free delivery on top of it. I go by Janduring/ malcelm but you can call me "Frag" if you'd like. Always down to hit you up with a listen!
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Also been going through a rough patch with girlfriend/ex-wife and trying to sort it out for her.
I don't want to get into too many of the gross details and there not really relevant for the question, but I've noticed that eating out always makes me rashy no matter what position or place i seem to be hitting up, and while we're usually good about keeping clean, with all this disease spreading i'm a bit worried. but it's not even physical it's like an unphysical sensation you know. I can't focus on eating and I just focus and worry about stressors like work, school, finding those barbituates i leftover someplace else, the election (was YANG GANG but now you bet joe-hiden i'm team joe Biden,. hahaha. (seriosuly though i would appreciate it if we kept poltics to a minimum and try not to get too political.
i get sweaty and nervous and can't tell her how pretty she is while we eat outm and that makes me feellike an inadequate man. there's these services where you can pay women to call you stuff like "terrible forum poster" but I'm still not happy much. feel like i can't be too direct with her. i've been heading to the train station lately to train myself not to think about that stuff, and just to think about the great in life. think about trains. train for trains.
I eat out better now, and we cook our meals from home now.
but enough about me, (there's more dw!) more about you
my favorite game: overwatch, catch where we participate (and play!) i love blizzard. Like WoW (HaHa
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my favorite pizza topping:
favorite band: i try not to listen to music too much, don't understand it but everyone's different.
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