I'd like to hear you're experiences. For me I think I suffer from middle child syndrome as I feel like my parents think I'm an underachiever compared to my older sibling. A reason would be the fact that in decision makings for example I feel like I'm not taken seriously and I'm not smart enough to do so. Being the middle child if I get into arguments with either siblings my parents will automatically back them. It's especially annoying when they back the younger one because he is allowed to be more ignorant. Though it has it's benefits like not being too old to have to be the leader to the mantle and not too young to be considered a baby. While I know everyone loves me...I still have this aching feeling that I'm also the most diregarded but it's not all bad I still think the positives outweigh the negatives and I also think it 's made me a smarter person because of it.
So how has you're experience been as either the eldest, middle or youngest of the family been?
EDIT: or the only child.
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