Recently I made a thread about a girl in Romania who committed suicide,
and the agency that did the intial report on the story had made it seem like it was due to a "cult acceptance ritual", or something to that effect, that had cause the poor young 13 yr old to take her own life rather than othermore dramtic life issues. Contraversy over that exact same issue was evident in my thread and I believe that is why it is now locked, but the contraversy wasn't only online.
Apparently, the contraversial issue had spread around the Emo community worldwide, I assuming, and now a protest is set for a date in London. Whether the protest was already planned and the reporting fueled it even more, or the report itself brought about the rally, I dont know, but it seems to be a growing issue.
I'm not in the scene, but I do think it's wrong to base the death of this young kid as a result of the type of music she listened to etc. Anyone else?
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