I actually watched this in 2004, and didn't really care for it. In fact I was confused to the whole plot mostly because my lack of attention to the movie. I watched it tonight for the first time since it came out, and I will say I am quite impressed. It was easier to be hooked into this movie than the first time I watched. Jim Carrey's performance, and Kate Winslet was the best I have ever seen. I mean I have watched romantic movies before, but everything about this movie just nails it perfectly.
I am so blown away. Movies like "The Notebook", "PS I Love You", "Titanic" are all pretty ridiculous. Far fetched movies... when Joel is at the bookstore near the end probably one of the most powerful scenes I have ever seen in a movie. There's no cheesy "Oh I haven't seen you in five years but still love you" kind of crap, but how he regretted getting the procedure, and everything about the scene was just perfect and captured the emotion between the two.
Great movie though.
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