With him mum.
I wanna see this rich kid cry to a judge and then get breast-fed by Bubba. Schadenfreude, indeed. He's got it coming.
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With him mum.
I wanna see this rich kid cry to a judge and then get breast-fed by Bubba. Schadenfreude, indeed. He's got it coming.
And all at once people of the internet cummed in unison at the thought of a rich white criminal getting punished.
@Renevent42: that guy is a piece of shit that killed 4 people and got a slap on the wrist for it. why would everyone not collectively want him to be punished? I want garbage punished for their actions and I don't give a damn about whichever shitty race of people they happen to belong to.
@Renevent42: that guy is a piece of shit that killed 4 people and got a slap on the wrist for it. why would everyone not collectively want him to be punished? I want garbage punished for their actions and I don't give a damn about whichever shitty race of people they happen to belong to.
I know exactly who he is. It was just a humorous comment, though I do think there's more emotional investment from many people/the press in the country at large than just the fact he's a kid who got an extremely light sentence for manslaughter.
Reddit practically creamed in their pants when the news broke lol.
And all at once people of the internet cummed in unison at the thought of a rich white criminal getting punished.
I don't care if he's rich or white, the kids a piece of shit.
And all at once people of the internet cummed in unison at the thought of a rich white criminal getting punished.
I don't care if he's rich or white, the kids a piece of shit.
Of course you do, it's the only reason any of you even know who he is and the whole ridiculous afluenza defense.
@ReadingRainbow4: but let's me real, the only reason anyone outside the local area of the incident knows about it is because he's a white kid whose cases was being used to attempt to show the unbalanced punishment of blacks vs whites.
@Renevent42: get ready for round two because I read a legal analyst breakdown that said this won't lead to any real punishments for him either. He will end up with another slap on the wrist as either a minor that broke the rules of his probation or as a first time adult offender and neither of those things will have any serious consequence.
@ReadingRainbow4: but let's me real, the only reason anyone outside the local area of the incident knows about it is because he's a white kid whose cases was being used to attempt to show the unbalanced punishment of blacks vs whites.
Maybe, but he could be black and rich or any other color under the sun and I'd still cheer for justice to be done.
or hell even poor, but then we really wouldn't have been given the laughluenza defence at all.
@Renevent42: get ready for round two because I read a legal analyst breakdown that said this won't lead to any real punishments for him either. He will end up with another slap on the wrist as either a minor that broke the rules of his probation or as a first time adult offender and neither of those things will have any serious consequence.
Yup, read the same thing. It certainly will be interesting to watch the fracas over it heh.
Also worth noting, and somewhat related, supposedly Bill Cosby was just issued an arrest warrant.
@Renevent42: yeah. Cosby was doomed from the moment he gave the pound cake speech to the naacp in 2004. You can't tell people shit they don't want to hear on a national stage and not expect to be destroyed for it.
@Renevent42: yeah. Cosby was doomed from the moment he gave the pound cake speech to the naacp in 2004. You can't tell people shit they don't want to hear on a national stage and not expect to be destroyed for it.
I'm well aware of the controversy surrounding that speech and def agree that caused some problems for his career/legacy/etc...that being said you think the rape accusations stem from it? This is a coordinated character assassination? I don't think so, a lot of these accusations were made and documented well before he made that speech.
@Renevent42: well he was raping people since the 60's just like all the other notorious hollywood poon hounds of the last 100 years so him being singled out is suspicious but the direct link is that the judge that released all his depositions to the public specifically said he released them because of the pound cake speech and since he was a public moralist he could be treated as a public official. I'm on the phone and can't link anything but it should come right up if you search for anything about the judge that released the depositions that are being used to go after him.
Even if the judge said that it's still a huge stretch. The rape controversy was already in full swing by that time.
@Renevent42: no it wasn't. He made the speech in 2004 and the first accuser came forth in january 2005 followed by the tidal wave of others later. I'm not saying its not a stretch or anything but it sure seemed like pretty convienient timing to me.
@Riverwolf007 I was saying the judge released the depositions after the situation had already blown up. Beyond that, there is evidence/police report/accusations against Cosby that pre-date 2005.
@Renevent42: can you find one for me as an example then because I tried to find a pre 2005 example and could not.
On February 1, 2000, according to a statement provided by Det. Jose McCallion of the Manhattan Special Victims Bureau, Lachele Covington, who was 20 years old at the time, filed a criminal complaint against Bill Cosby alleging that on January 28, 2000, at Cosby's Manhattan townhouse, Cosby tried to put her hands down his pants and then exposed himself. Covington also alleged that Cosby grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hands down her pants at his home. Cosby was questioned and insisted "it was not true". The police referred her complaint to the D.A., but they declined to prosecute.[17]
@Renevent42: unless i read that wrong that's from November 2014 and falls under the tidal wave of accusers post pound cake just like all the rest.
It says the police report was filed three days after the incident took place in Feb 2000, and states that an investigator (Det. Jose McCallion) also provided a statement as such. That being said, I do find the source somewhat shaky. I couldn't find the actual report, and some of the other sources that refer to this said the report left Cosby's name out (to protect his celebrity status).
Woah...I gotta stop researching this stuff...ended up on some black power racist Farrakhan site lol.
@Renevent42: oh make no mistake here I believe that girl and that she called the cops and cosby was probably protected at the time because of who he is. Most of those guys from that era were that way(or wanted to appear that way so we didn't find out they were gay). And I swear that I'm not a big conspiracy guy but now it looks worse than it did when I started because I didn't know cosby was so squeeky clean pre 2004. Lol now im inspired. I'm going to write a television pilot about odd couple detectives that try to disprove each others crackpot theorys but end up solving the case. Each guy can have a crazy theory each week.
@Renevent42: oh make no mistake here I believe that girl and that she called the cops and cosby was probably protected at the time because of who he is. Most of those guys from that era were that way(or wanted to appear that way so we didn't find out they were gay). And I swear that I'm not a big conspiracy guy but now it looks worse than it did when I started because I didn't know cosby was so squeeky clean pre 2004. Lol now im inspired. I'm going to write a television pilot about odd couple detectives that try to disprove each others crackpot theorys but end up solving the case. Each guy can have a crazy theory each week.
I gotta be honest, my initial impression based on what I heard in the media was there were tons of allegations/police reports/etc made prior to 2005 and it's just been covered up for decades. I'm a little surprised to find out that in reality prior to 2005 there's practically nothing. There's the above instance I listed (which based on what I found is pretty flimsy, and two other instances which are hearsay). I dunno...maybe you're on to something lol!
I still think it's very unlikely this is all some orchestrated retibution for the poundcake speach, but what the hell, you should do some investigative Gamespot journalist and report back your findings.
@Renevent42: I just read the cnn story on his arrest and booking and they said all charges stem from the opened depositions he made in a civil case and the depositions were opened only because the judge deemed him a public figure because of the "public moralizing" in the poundcake speech. Meh. Maybe its all just a coincidence.
Calling him a piece of shit is a little too far. He is still a kid. I would strongly suggest he spends 2 years in prison and have his license taken away permanently so he is not able to drive a car ever again.
@xxbioghostxx: He unsympathetically killed 4 people bro, he was being smug while in court. Worst of all he got off.
Im the first one to criticize cops for police brutality and faulty shootings, but dicks like this kid could use a nightstick rehabilitation
The more I look at this case, its easy to see the BS. His whole family are freaking scum, his dad has been charged with fraud, assault but always got off. The mother was fined for attempting to run someone off the road with her car. Anytime he got into trouble, the father would just threaten to buy the person that called them out on their bs. People wonder why no one respects the law.
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