i dont want to offend you but there are things that are caused by poor diet and exercise that once you have it wont go away with good diet and exercise (like diabeties which doesnt go away at all)Serraph105
Yepperino, I'm aware. Don't think I'm quite at risk for anything like that, but I appreciate your concern. A few girlfriends of mine are on top of giving me the same lecture. Which is funny because theiy're heavy smokers, but that's a different story. Like I said, if I showed any real signs of health issues, I'd do something. I just have no desire to go out of my way to be fit, when I don't even particularly want to look fit.
Well, nobody can urge you to, but usually fitness comes par up with higher self-esteem. Who doesn't feel good when he looks at his body in the mirror and is content by what he sees? On the other hand, it's tougher to accept oneself when someone's is not really in shape...oh yeah, and I'm no super-model either. I do jogging and stuff, so I have my share of little flab lines and love handles, but nothing too pointy.
However, don't wait for health problems to come in to lose weight. Don't lose any either, but keep the weight in stability...at least that's what doctors tell all the time.
Fitness can also come with a sense of never being good enough, never being skinny enough, never meeting societies standards. I'm actually content and happy about how I look, like if I gain weight, oh well, if I lose weight oh well, it doesn't matter to me, I'm just comfortable in my skin. How many women can say that? Don't really see the point in going out and trying to look a certain way, for whom? Like I said, my appearance is fine by me, and the only other person who's opinion of my appearance matters.
I know I might seem indifferent about my health, and that's really not the case, I pay an obsessive amount of attention to my health and well being. Right nowI have a clean bill of health, happy with how I look and how I feel, my life in general. I have no urge to alter myself in any way, I'm perfectly content.
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