I went last year because I was stressing. They gave me a phone interview first and I told them I use weed. Then I went and forgot I said that so I told the psychiatrist I don't use weed.
She calls me a lier and said "why are you here? For drugs!"
Then she told me my stress just sounds like a complaining child.
Finally she said "people with psychological disorders don't know they have a problem, you do know exactly what is wrong."
Translation in my mind: "if you use drugs recreationally and enjoy it, I won't give you drugs, these drugs are for people that have no fucking idea what drugs do to them and don't enjoy it."
Seeing the psychiatrist was a complete waste of time and I got my feelings hurt by the way I was treated. I didn't get perscribed anything, don't need their stupid drugs anyway.
Have you visited a psychiatrists?
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