Ugh, guys, I've had a long night and I'm not sure what to do with myself.
Right now it's 7:30 a.m (Now 7:45, I'm so messed up I overlooked so many spelling and grammar errors and it took me 15 minutes to fix them...). I've pulled an all-nighter. This has probably been one of the worst nights I've ever experienced.
First off, the room I'm in is a living hell. I turned on the fan.... makes a ridiculous loud noise, opened the window, little to no difference... So I'm pretty much sitting in a room filled with hot, heavy air. Hard to breathe... this is indeed hell, but without the torture part. v.v
Secondly... NOISES OUTSIDE OMGWTF. I heard a loud, I mean, a very loud crash coming from either the kitchen or the hallway (no one is currently awake, and there are no pets in this house). It sounds like the mix of a toolbox falling off a counter and someone kicking down the door. I'm already paranoid enough... noises aren't helping my cause. :c
Third... I've been on the WoW forums posting weird-ass stuff... stuff I'm probably going to regret later on today when I have a headdache and I almost fully know what I'm doing. I'm probably going to get banned for them... they're quite suggestive.
OT... you guys ever had a night as suckish as this one?
EDIT: Lol, guys, obviously "worst" is an exaggeration. I just wanted to get this bad experience off my chest and hear about your own experiences with bad nights.
EDIT2: I failed with my "your"s and "you're"s.
EDIT3: C'mon, people, I expect more of you to kick my story's ass. Really, I truly do. I am an uneventful person.
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