Also, if you read the religious texts in detal you can find alot of really nifty stuff in there. I'm muslim, so I can only say from the Quran
"The he turned to the heavens when they were smoke" (Quran 41:11)
"Have not those who disbelived know that the heavens and earth seperated as one entity, then they were seperated." (Quran 21:30)
That right there is more or less your big bang theory, the world used to be a giant mush of particles when something happened that changed the whole alignment and then we had what we know as earth.
"Whoever takes a peice of land of other unjustly shall sink beneath the seven earths on the day of ressurection"(Saheeh Al-Bukhari-Book of Opression)
Seven earths = Inner Core, Outer Core, D Layer, Lower Mantle, Middle Mantle, Upper Mantle, Lithosphere.
"Man was created from the extract of clay. First man was made as a drop in a place of settlement firmly fixed. Then the drop was turned into an Alaqaah."
Alaqaah means leech, suspended thing and blood clot in arabic. When a human is early in the embryo stage, it looks like a leech, and like a leech, it lives off of the energy and the strength of the host body. Then when the leech grows, it turns into a "suspended thing" in the mothers womb. The appearance of blood spots all over the "suspended thing" gives a bloot clot appearance.
Just some of the nifty things I've learnt :)
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