also u might be exposed to carbon monoxide poisning in your home. this is ussually due to a leak or leaving some gas consuming item on. lighters included.
u might also be experiencing pareidolia which is the sensaotion of seeing things using patterns. for example seeing faces in clouds
periphial vision can also be misleading. it always fools me.
u also might have global geomagnetic activity occurring in ur area. their has been a corilation in ghost reports and GGA. GGA messes with the way works much like the way radioactivity mutates cell structure.
low sound frequencies cause the brain to become irritated and gives u the sensation of being watched etc
also remember that skitsofrinia is a possibility. i used to have it, but was aware at the same time so i ended up ok. My case was caused by a certain skin medication.
if u feel none of these are the reasons you can call TAPS. they ussually have services free of charge. My friend called them one time because he siad he was completely sure he wasnt delusional. according to TAPS (this is what he told me anyway) a ghost was stayiing in his guest room. The ghost claimed to be his step grandmother who commited suicide. now i personally dont believe in ghosts, but i will give u the benifit of doubt and say that their is a ghost present in ur home. anything is possible especially when u get on a molecular scale. maybe ghosts are electromagnetic waves focused on a specific area lol ( idk im not a physics major or anything)
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