It is not apart of the religion, just more of a cultural item. Its origins were from the prophet muhammed's wife whereing one in public, out of basic culture. of cource woman practice to be more like these woman.
Regarding Muhammed being shown in cartoons: Yes, i am aware that this is a very grey issue and mostly is seen as ridiculous. but really in islam they hide the Muhammeds idenity out of the basics that there not really sure what it looks like. theyd rather not get it wrong than show it at all. this also goes for the rest of the prohets like jesus, moses, and abraham.
The controversey with southpark, i have seen these episodes, and i will admit, i found them entertaining. im glad they could make the episodes hilarious featuring muhammed with out saying anything offensive or making him saying something riduiculous, let alone showing him. the bear costume was pure genius. im not sure if even that would enrage some, but i for one am not.
Muslims are not terrorists. Yes, as simple as that. ones that claim kill of innocents are justified, are extremists. the same kind of extremists that crucifed "witches" in the middle ages. its just a steryotype, but ends are always justified.
The Real Reason Osamaba Binladan is attacking: Bin ladan is rarely making new video tapes. Television news broadcasts only seem to show his actions in suicide bombings, and other mass murders. But what news networks seem to skip over is WHY Bin ladan is doing this. Yes, yes, i know he hates freedom, women driving, and even hot dogs. But thats really not why hes attacking us. Even though thoughs may be opinions of Bin Laden, there is alot of truth in his quest. I am not saying this is right though. I feel very strongly against murdering of innocents. Which is the same way Bin laden feels about whats going on in his country. He is attacking because the US cannot seem to stop "liberating" foreign countries. The US is tyranting in other countires. The example of the army in the Apatchi killing civilians unjsutified like i saw on the OT the other day. These things happen alot. Bin Laden wants this to stop and the US to simply, mind their own buisness. Its a vicious cirlce. The US is here to bring "peace" in the middle east by cracking down on militia "insurgences" and terrorists. But the terrorits are attacking us because we are there. Weve been there for a while now. I think its time weve stopped and listened to whats really going on.
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