thx is black canary thought I did not remember my comics days :P
@blasto65_basic: Thx.. I would never had associated with the greek myth. Which imo does not have any association, but maybe it was bc of it.
Oh... and that article said 2-3, actually the only place that presented only 2 was in the Odisey (sorry sp? ), first book/narration that mentioned them. In futures literature they were 3-4 (3 being the most common) and were called: Pisinoe, Aglaope and Telxiope or Partenope, Leucosia and Ligia (note taht this are the name in spanish i have not read that part of greek Myths in english) and they had there "spot" while singing. One sang, the other played the flute and the other the ... do not know the name of that in english.. Lira??
Beside that the rest of teh article is pretty close...
Thx eveyone...
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