As others have said, Brandon Sanderson has quite a few books that you might be interested in, I would look into any books that are a part of his "Cosmere" universe (Elantris, Warmaker, Stormlight Archives, Mistborn trilogys and spinoffs, etc.), as they are somewhat interconnected, and he is planning on writing 10+ more with more and more world connections (from what I understand) to make quite an epic (as long as he finishes it!) universe.
The Wheel of Time is a somewhat popular series, I'm still working on the first book so I can't give you much feedback on it unfortunately.
I would highly recommend the Name of the Wind and the sequel, hopefully the third will one day be published. This was the first book that got me out of my ASOIAF hangover.
If you haven't read LoTR or the Hobbit I would recommend them as well.
I recently finished The Night Angel trilogy and Codex Alera series, both were above average, same with the first two books in the Pathfinder Trilogy (Orson Scott Card, fast paced as only he can write).
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