Being one of only two people to choose fate, I suppose I should explain.
First, the answer to this question depends on what one means by "free will". If free will is just the ability to do what you want to do, then free will trivially exists, but then the question regarding whether or not free will exists is not terribly interesting.
Instead, I view free will as the state in which one does an action when one might have instead done a different action. And this I believe does not truly exist. Every action that any human does is done because the human judges it as the best route to fulfill either a desire or a value that that human possesses. And every desire or value that a human possesses is ultimately out of their control. One does not simply wake up in the morning and decide for absolutely no reason that they want something.
And frankly, I have to say, thank God that there is no true free will. If there were not, then humans could not be predictable, and at no point in time could you ever be confident that some guy off the street will not just randomly decide to murder you.
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