Whether it be comic, tv, movie. Any version as well. (Rules: Name, picture, explanation) I'll start with mine!
One of the coolest people in comics. Hehas the personality of Clint Eastwood and the tenacity of a wolf. He is also an brilliant fighter who is said to have even beaten the likes of Captain America in hand to hand combat. He is also highly intellegent and can speeak at least 10 languages as well. And he has one of my favorite voice acting and character writing in the 90s xmen cartoon.
This ones a tough one, but I went ahead with this evil psycho. He is said to be the very first mutant. Hisincredible powersare only greatly outmatched by his quest to end all of reality. This self absorbed, super elitist feels superior to even mutants even saying to a human that he was as far from them as they were to him. He is also a brilliant engineer and biologist and his powers include shapeshifting, strength, teleportation, and an array of other energy qualities as well.
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