This past week I've really taking a interest in gender studies and I have come to notice that the term "feminist" is rather convuluted without any definite meaning. I mean I belive in equal legal rights and treatment as well as the abolishment of the glass cealing and what not.
I am aware of sexism and the propagation of gender roles through advertising as well as subtle ways in our culture but I don't agree with certain ideals like the changing of women to womyn on the grounds that its sepratist and drives us apart instead of together. I belive that gender roles are mostly tought by society rather than some inate property.Does tha t make me a feminist? Cause alot of it is really sexist in its own right too of not preaching an us and them mentality that borders on the insane. Some feminists have even advocated the creation of two seperate societies of males and females and some even go so far as to advocate male genocide and that all females are inherintly lesbians.
I mean sure our society is sexist but is changing the english language to remove words like fireman or mailman realy going to change anything? I am aware that men get certain privliges in our world that are unfair to women but they do too abiet less often than men.
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