[QUOTE="FFCYAN"]Considering that extraterrestrial lifeforms, which are intelligent enough to create vehicles that travel vast galactic distances and would be aware of the possibility of different lifeforms that might not communicate the same way they do, this is an un-rational and unfounded statement.
Regardless of my own opinions, I wouldn't know the first thing about how communication with the alien visitors would be done, and to what purpose.
Technology does not equal comminication... technology does not allow us to commincate with bacteria...
We assume aliens came here because they want to talk to us... thats an arrogant line of thinking... we have no idea how an alien race may have evolved... they may not be biologically capable of communicating with us, and they may not be able to commincate because of their understanding of existence... again, to assume that an alien speices would have the same concepts of reality as we do is arrogant at best...
I don't believe I was referring to technology, but rather, theconceptualization and internal desireof creating an intergalactic space vehicle capable of visiting other worlds. I don't believe alien lifeforms capable of space travel do so without meaning or a purpose, and looking for and interacting with said newfound lifeforms may be that purpose.There must be some common ground that can be found between us and other lifeforms, simply because life is not separate from the universe. We are made of carbon and water, which appears to be quite common in the universe. We live, die and are reborn as something else, which is pretty much what all of the universe does. There would be nothing to suggest that these hypothetical beings are made of something that's not of this universe or live in some part of the universe that does not experience the same phenomenon and laws of physics that we have observed.
My knowledge is indeed limited to only hypotheticals as I do not know of any life outside of this planet. I can safely assume though that you know just as much as I do, so you saying that communication is impossible is unfounded for that reason I just stated.
Again, thats assuming a lot... you are assuming words like "conceptulization" and phrases like "internal desire" are even concepts an alien lifeform could understand...
For example: try to explain to a color blind person what blue is... its not really possible, however, by saying blue is a mixture of green and yellow, you can at least give a colorblind person a concept of blue...
Now try to explain blue to a person with no concept of color... or a concept of language... or the concept of what a concept is...
Even if a lifeform is carbon based(likely, although not a given, considering the possibility of Silicon based life), you are assuming their cultural and biologicalevolution is something similar to ours, when in fact the chances of that are very small... unless they evolved almost the exact same way as we did, communication would be difficult enough... if tey evolved in a way so completely "alien" from ours that their universal view is completely "alien", then commincation would be almost impossible...
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