Why is everyone having their first kiss at 12-16 ? or is it just because i was a slut ?, for me it was 3 but ofcourse thats nothing but kiddy love, i remember being 5 at the babysitters on top of a girl, the babysitter was in her room and left the Tv on the soap opera channel their was a love scene so we decided to mimick the love scene behind the coffee table but we got caught and my mom was told, my next interaction was at a diff babysitter around the age 11 i believe, and i had two girlfreinds, dont ask me how i pulled it off, i ask myself the same thing to this very day, all i can say is they were dumb, it was a hot (for 12) black chick & Native chick, Mia & Rachel, we made out at the same time occasionaly, my next interaction was with a mixed chick named Victoria she played with my feet under the covers among other things *wink*, my next interaction was in the girls bathroom in elementary school with nudity, then middle school, and highschool blah blah
wow........i should be checked for AIDS
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