If your dog barked too loud and too much would you get it vocal chord surgery to reduce the noise?
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noo. How about i shove a rod down your throat. it's called training...
if it's truly that bad. maybe get one of those bark collars? make him wear it for a few weeks? he get the hint
I mean, now that I think about it, I suppose if it is an absolutely last resort, I can understand it. Say you've tried everything else and otherwise you will have to get rid of your dog.
[QUOTE="k2theswiss"]noo. How about i shove a rod down your throat. it's called training...Bucked20Don't come at me like that I don't even own a damn dog then what you asking for lol
no man thats an awful thing to do, if your infant child wont stop crying would you cut its vocals out? 90% of the time if they are barking they want something, they want attention, or are tired of being locked out the house, or want food or want to play. I know you dont own a dog but most people that ask things like this got a dog then pay it no attention and wonder why it acts bad. like its some sort of novelty.
sadly like my neighbor keeps a 2 month old pup constantly outside in the cold and it just cries all night its pretty depressing. anyways im getting off topic but if you do deicide to get one please be a responsible pet owner!
Just beat it with new paper whenever it barks like that.
Or a shock collar.
It's all about how you train the dog. As long as you let the dog bark loud, it will.
Also, honestly if you can't handle a dog barking, you probably shouldn't own one in the first place, and I'm not speaking specifically to you OP, but everyone in general. Anyone who has a dog as a pet and expects it to be perfect is asking for too much. You don't have kids and then expect them to never make a mistake.
Training bro.
A little bit of effort goes a long way with dogs. Took me about three months, but I have all four of my weiner dogs litter box trained and they all love carrots more than any meaty dog treat.
Just teach them, reward them, keep doing that, eventually they will understand.
Id sooner move to the country where no one gives a sh*t. Honestly, if you live so close to your neighbors that they complain about your dog, its time to move. If you have a**hole neighbors that complain about your dog, its time to move.
if it's truly that bad. maybe get one of those bark collars? make him wear it for a few weeks? he get the hint
Until he learns that it's okay to bark when he's not wearing it. Or builds up a tolerance to it. Or starts to associate the shock with whatever he's barking at and becomes aggressive to it.
What kind of solution is that? Seriously, what compelled you to create this thread?
My answer to your question: No.
I've learned that if you say something they don't wanna do they stop barking. For example, My dog barks extremely loud and I yell, " You wanna take a bath?!" and he instantly stops. Your choice is pretty hastey.
Q: Is this a "cruel and barbaric procedure?"
A: No. People with little or no experience raising naturally noisy and talkative breeds may tell you this. People with breeds like Shetland Sheepdogs (Shelties) can tell you that this procedure is simple and that it saves lives of dogs that might otherwise be dumped in the pound for their barking. Debarking is a more simple procedure than removing the uterus in spaying or removing testicles in neutering.
wtf why would you even make this threadchessmaster1989I think he watched Grown Ups and thought it was an intellectually inspiring question that OT would debate and ponder over for weeks resulting in his status in OT growing to a more respectful level. I would rather do it to a human than a dog.
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