I am currently applying for my federal loans and I am getting a tad confused and figured I could ask here as there doesn't seem to be any help on the student loan site.
Doing my loan I keep noticing that in my loan application it keeps having stuff like "room and board" and "transportation" in calculated costs. I am going to be working full-time and am registered living OFF-CAMPUS so I am very confused as to why these things keep popping up.
It is giving me the option to adjust the individual cost areas now so I can take out all those costs outside of my tuition and whatnot. I am wondering if I SHOULD be taking out all those additional costs and just go for the bare minimum of covering tuition (which is what I need the loan for. I am self-sufficient in terms of paying bills) or do they know something I don't?
Wanted to get some feedback on this before I go any further so I don't end up screwing this up. Your help is appreciated!
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