Not cool, france. I mean I get the tendency at play here, but reason needs to beat fear. Telling women they can't wear it, is just as bad as telling women it's all they can wear.
I support the burkini ban law ....... in some middle east country, non muslim were force to cover their head, even a secular country like malaysia with 60% registered muslim population, a gymnast was shame for wearing her sport outfit
Farah Ann Abdul Hadi were shamed for wearing gymnastic outfit
It's difficult to escape the idea that the purpose of the ban is to spite Muslims in the wake of the terrorists attacks in France.
That said, @hippiesanta does have a point: Why should multiculturalism be a one-way affair? Until women can romp on a Saudi Arabian beach in bikinis, isn't it only fair that France (and other bikini-tolerant nations) ban the burkini?
As an aside: I guess it's just as well the woman didn't stumble into the Cap d'Agde resort.
Until women can romp on a Saudi Arabian beach in bikinis, isn't it only fair that France (and other bikini-tolerant nations) ban the burkini? Wtf do Saudi Arabia's laws have to do with France?
People who contend that France ought to permit burkinis are essentially saying that France must accommodate the social mores of people from countries like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates etc. Yet those same advocates of multiculturalism would never suggest that Saudi Arabia et al. reciprocate by accommodating the social mores of French bikini-wearers, French topless bathers or French nudists.
Surely the double standard is obvious? France is being asked to compromise its social and cultural homogeneity so that immigrants from the Middle East can feel comfortable, even if it discomfits the native French populace, while the very nations from which those immigrants hail jealously guard their own social and cultural homogeneity.
It's like having a neighbor who insists on pitching a tent on your lawn for his children to play in, then angrily chases your children if they so much as dare to set foot on his property.
Muslims and their westernphobia in a western country. They should instead choose to focus on their internal and spiritual relationship with God. This is the 21st century. Behold our superior western values.
Nah, but still messed up. I honestly don't know what to say about this. One side of me would want religion banned to promote science, but the other side of me says that people should have the freedom to think, do, and live however they want.
People who contend that France ought to permit burkinis are essentially saying that France must accommodate the social mores of people from countries like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates etc. Yet those same advocates of multiculturalism would never suggest that Saudi Arabia et al. reciprocate by accommodating the social mores of French bikini-wearers, French topless bathers or French nudists.
Surely the double standard is obvious? France is being asked to compromise its social and cultural homogeneity so that immigrants from the Middle East can feel comfortable, even if it discomfits the native French populace, while the very nations from which those immigrants hail jealously guard their own social and cultural homogeneity.
It's like having a neighbor who insists on pitching a tent on your lawn for his children to play in, then angrily chases your children if they so much as dare to set foot on his property.
That analogy might be valid if the women wearing burkinis in France actually ran a government and made the laws.
There's not exactly a double standard, since the women in France who don't get to wear burkinis don't have jack shit to say about what they're allowed to do in Saudi Arabia either.
What you're essentially arguing is that the GOVERNMENT of Saudi Arabia sucks, so in return the French government should take it out on random women from Saudi Arabia who have zero say in what Saudi Arabia does.
Again, wtf do Saudi Arabia's laws have to do with how France treats people? Should the USA treat a dude like shit just because that dude happened to come from a country that treats Americans like shit? How does that follow?
I support the burkini ban law ....... in some middle east country, non muslim were force to cover their head, even a secular country like malaysia with 60% registered muslim population, a gymnast was shame for wearing her sport outfit
Farah Ann Abdul Hadi were shamed for wearing gymnastic outfit
@Skarwolf said:
If you visit Saudi Arabia with your wife she's told to wear a burkha to go outside. Thats ok though right ?
@Stesilaus said:
That said, @hippiesanta does have a point: Why should multiculturalism be a one-way affair? Until women can romp on a Saudi Arabian beach in bikinis, isn't it only fair that France (and other bikini-tolerant nations) ban the burkini?
WAT??? How exactly can burkini be a fucking problem? I get why they may ban Niqab due to security reasons but this is outrageous! Are they gonna ban diving suits too because that's what a burkini looks like to me. NO, they're not because that would be idiotic. THIS, is idiotic. This is spreading good old hatred/racism in broad daylight!
And good to know that the Western "Civilization" (which sounds like a joke at this point) has stooped so low that now it needs to be compared with Saudi Arabia and not even in its best days. FYI, Saudi Arabia, is on the path to become more progressive once again albeit very slowly while all I'm seeing from the West is pure unadulterated decadence such as this.
Until women can romp on a Saudi Arabian beach in bikinis, isn't it only fair that France (and other bikini-tolerant nations) ban the burkini? Wtf do Saudi Arabia's laws have to do with France?
People who contend that France ought to permit burkinis are essentially saying that France must accommodate the social mores of people from countries like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates etc. Yet those same advocates of multiculturalism would never suggest that Saudi Arabia et al. reciprocate by accommodating the social mores of French bikini-wearers, French topless bathers or French nudists.
Surely the double standard is obvious? France is being asked to compromise its social and cultural homogeneity so that immigrants from the Middle East can feel comfortable, even if it discomfits the native French populace, while the very nations from which those immigrants hail jealously guard their own social and cultural homogeneity.
It's like having a neighbor who insists on pitching a tent on your lawn for his children to play in, then angrily chases your children if they so much as dare to set foot on his property.
This may be one of the worst anology/rationales I've ever heard.
By your standard we should not have public indecency laws due to the existence of Nude beaches somewhere out there.
I am not religious but No one should ever be forced to NOT be Modest.
What's next banning Nuns from the beach because they cover too much skin?
If you visit Saudi Arabia with your wife she's told to wear a burkha to go outside. Thats ok though right ?
Tit for tat?
Japan's law states its ok to have sex with a 13 years old (might have change, who knows). So everyone should use that as a standard i suppose?
Thats a stupid reasoning. Are you going to have your country enacts laws simply solely in response to a totally separate nation's laws. If they be stupid, you be stupid too?
Saudi bans women from driving, why dont you ask the french to ban men from driving?
Other than that, its the French laws. If thats what they want, then the muslims should respect that. Why go there in the first place if it has rules that you cannot obey? If i like to play soccer, should i go to a tennis court to play soccer? Shit analogy but you get my point.
I remember when cops would stop you on the street and have you remove your trench coat cause bomb threats were so bad.
@NathanDrakeSwag: Its alright to cover your skin, but your body should be visible to help prevent a threat. Its the same reason when you walk into a bank they make you remove your hat and glasses.
Doesnt matter what religion you have, your gonna remove those hats and glasses, or get the fack out our store.
It what it stands for. If it banned it banned. If you don't like European law or the country law your living in then get out and live where you like that kind of law. I no we wear cloths but if we was meant to be cothered head to toe putting on soppy head gear we would have been born with it on. Blood and gue don't count.
@iandizion713 Yeah I was walking with my mates a couple of year back and police pulled us over and one of us was wearing a cap. Cop told him to remove it to see what was under so he did. Cop just said thank you move along. All 3 of us too was white so no race involved. If this happened to me now though I would kick off as that the right thing to do these days.
Until women can romp on a Saudi Arabian beach in bikinis, isn't it only fair that France (and other bikini-tolerant nations) ban the burkini? Wtf do Saudi Arabia's laws have to do with France?
People who contend that France ought to permit burkinis are essentially saying that France must accommodate the social mores of people from countries like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates etc. Yet those same advocates of multiculturalism would never suggest that Saudi Arabia et al. reciprocate by accommodating the social mores of French bikini-wearers, French topless bathers or French nudists.
Surely the double standard is obvious? France is being asked to compromise its social and cultural homogeneity so that immigrants from the Middle East can feel comfortable, even if it discomfits the native French populace, while the very nations from which those immigrants hail jealously guard their own social and cultural homogeneity.
It's like having a neighbor who insists on pitching a tent on your lawn for his children to play in, then angrily chases your children if they so much as dare to set foot on his property.
This may be one of the worst anology/rationales I've ever heard.
By your standard we should not have public indecency laws due to the existence of Nude beaches somewhere out there.
I am not religious but No one should ever be forced to NOT be Modest.
What's next banning Nuns from the beach because they cover too much skin?
THAT is what you would call a Double Standard.
"By your standard we should not have public indecency laws due to the existence of Nude beaches somewhere out there."
No, that's not my argument at all. Applied to the nudist/non-nudist scenario, my argument would be: "Since a non-nudist would be entitled to invoke the law if he/she saw a nudist exposing himself/herself where nudity is forbidden, a nudist should be entitled to invoke the law if a non-nudist comes strolling onto a nude beach fully clothed."
Similarly, if Saudi Arabian morality police can force a bikini-clad woman to "cover up" on a public beach in Saudi Arabia, then French police should be entitled to force a burkini-clad woman to remove the burkini on a public beach in France.
As for the nuns: I wouldn't be surprised or offended if France did ban nuns from the beach. When French authorities banned hijabs from public schools (right back in 2004), they also banned students from displaying crucifixes and Jewish kippas.
Eh if you don't like the rules in a specific country don't live there. I'm not going to feign outrage over this. Non Muslim women have to adhere to their dress code when in some ME countries.
This is one of those scenarios where I can't help but smile devilishly and cackle like the bad guy in a videogame.
Half the left wants the burkini banned, half of it wants it kept, both of these positions are based on wrong reasons which drag into the spotlight how stupid and unrealistic the current western left is.
Once the person face is shown/visible, I don't see the problem. This is stupidity. The notion that wearing too much cloths is illegal and you must be disrobe to be in compliance is absolute lunacy. Only an idiot would believe burka wearing is the cause of terrorism. What a bunch of ****tards.
Saudi Arabia doesn't claim to be a free and secular society like France.
@Stesilaus said:
@Nuck81 said:
@Stesilaus said:
@MrGeezer said:
@Stesilaus said:
Until women can romp on a Saudi Arabian beach in bikinis, isn't it only fair that France (and other bikini-tolerant nations) ban the burkini? Wtf do Saudi Arabia's laws have to do with France?
People who contend that France ought to permit burkinis are essentially saying that France must accommodate the social mores of people from countries like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates etc. Yet those same advocates of multiculturalism would never suggest that Saudi Arabia et al. reciprocate by accommodating the social mores of French bikini-wearers, French topless bathers or French nudists.
Surely the double standard is obvious? France is being asked to compromise its social and cultural homogeneity so that immigrants from the Middle East can feel comfortable, even if it discomfits the native French populace, while the very nations from which those immigrants hail jealously guard their own social and cultural homogeneity.
It's like having a neighbor who insists on pitching a tent on your lawn for his children to play in, then angrily chases your children if they so much as dare to set foot on his property.
This may be one of the worst anology/rationales I've ever heard.
By your standard we should not have public indecency laws due to the existence of Nude beaches somewhere out there.
I am not religious but No one should ever be forced to NOT be Modest.
What's next banning Nuns from the beach because they cover too much skin?
THAT is what you would call a Double Standard.
"By your standard we should not have public indecency laws due to the existence of Nude beaches somewhere out there."
No, that's not my argument at all. Applied to the nudist/non-nudist scenario, my argument would be: "Since a non-nudist would be entitled to invoke the law if he/she saw a nudist exposing himself/herself where nudity is forbidden, a nudist should be entitled to invoke the law if a non-nudist comes strolling onto a nude beach fully clothed."
Similarly, if Saudi Arabian morality police can force a bikini-clad woman to "cover up" on a public beach in Saudi Arabia, then French police should be entitled to force a burkini-clad woman to remove the burkini on a public beach in France.
As for the nuns: I wouldn't be surprised or offended if France did ban nuns from the beach. When French authorities banned hijabs from public schools (right back in 2004), they also banned students from displaying crucifixes and Jewish kippas.
I remember when cops would stop you on the street and have you remove your trench coat cause bomb threats were so bad.
@NathanDrakeSwag: Its alright to cover your skin, but your body should be visible to help prevent a threat. Its the same reason when you walk into a bank they make you remove your hat and glasses.
Doesnt matter what religion you have, your gonna remove those hats and glasses, or get the fack out our store.
I'm not sure how Constitutional it would be for the government to outlaw certain dress but I can and do see private business doing it easily. Why the French instituted such a policy is clear yet they get the blame rather than those who have caused it to rise to such an elevation. Think about how anyone would react if they walked into a store and someone was covered head to toe while wearing some sort of mask only showing their eyes. People would rightfully be on edge regardless if the person meant to cause harm and alarm or was not intending anything bad. Do I think the other patrons would be enraged if security made him/her remove their mask? No. Do I think the other patrons would be enraged if he/she was escorted out for not complying? No. When it comes to a follower of this faith, uh oh, the line is crossed. Nuts!
Until women can romp on a Saudi Arabian beach in bikinis, isn't it only fair that France (and other bikini-tolerant nations) ban the burkini? Wtf do Saudi Arabia's laws have to do with France?
People who contend that France ought to permit burkinis are essentially saying that France must accommodate the social mores of people from countries like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates etc.
No, they're not. They're saying that a civilized nation shouldn't be forcing people to dress in a certain way, and whether or not some backwards-ass piece of shit savage nation does it shouldn't have anything to do with it. Are you people fucking retarded?
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