So a few months ago France elected their first socialist president in about 20 years and later gave the socialists controll of parliament in parliamentary elections (which I did find kind of surprising considering the shape Spain is in after they had been governed by the socialist party from 2004 to 2011). I saw yesterday on tv that the French President, Francois Hollande wants to raise taxes on the rich, and that people who make more than 1 million euro a year would have to pay 75% of their income in taxes. Meanwhile Britain's Prime Minister, David Cameron, is encouraging French business people to move to the UK (about 40% of French entrepreneurs already move to London). A lot of rich French people are already considering moving to Switzerland or the UK and it is likely that France will experience some "brain drain". Also on the same tv segment one of the news analysts mentioned that the three highest taxing states (California, New York and New Jersey) have been experiencing significant "brain drain" (i.e. smart, skilled, upwardly mobile people are moving out of those states). Now that I think about it, it's possible that tax rates had some effect on the "white flight" of previous decades (though I think that was mainly caused by fears of violence and declining property values).
What do you think, is 75% too much? I think it is bad on a moral level (it's unfair to take 75% of someone's income) and on a practical/economic level (it leads to "brain drain").
What do you think the maximum federal tax rate should be (bear in mind people also have local and state taxes to pay), It think 25% or 30% to 33% is good, 35% (the current top tax rate) is okay.
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