A man that was dragging him out of the pipe, used a metal pipe to sexually assault him before he met his demise.In a way its kinda funny, but i think the person who did that was brought down to his level .
[link to www.channel4.com]
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I swear when I first read the title of this thread I thought it said "Gandolf was sexually assaulted before death".nocoolnamejim"None shall pass!" :P
if it was a pipe shoved up his "exit" then I woudlnt call that sexual assault. I'd call that just assault .
I don't know but this just seems another attempt by western media to humiliate Qaddafi.
I wouldn't say libyan people but just some savages.
[QUOTE="nocoolnamejim"]I swear when I first read the title of this thread I thought it said "Gandolf was sexually assaulted before death".AvatarMan96"None shall pass!" :P
Damnit...now I'm having flashbacks to one of my college professors!
The Libyan people did enough by themselves to humiliate GaddaffiOmenUK
I wouldn't say libyan people but just some savages.
I would also be angry if the government gave me free electricity, a discounted house after my marriage, a discounted car, job security, and a good amount of money each month.
Although he was a terrible man, as a human bieng I find the videos of his final moments rather disturbing. It's one thing if they just roughed him up but his treatment was torture. The capture and execution of Saddam was a much better way to remove a bad person from the planet. It's better to take the high road sometimes.
What can I say... He was one of the reasons why dead people are filled with holes. This time around, it was his royal hole that got filled.
The Libyan people did enough by themselves to humiliate GaddaffiOmenUK
I wouldn't say libyan people but just some savages.
Checking on news of this, it's on... 2 sites... and Gamespot is the sixth google search result. I'm highly skeptical.
I wouldn't say libyan people but just some savages.
Checking on news of this, it's on... 2 sites... and Gamespot is the sixth google search result. I'm highly skeptical.
It would be astoundingly naive to believe that the toppling of Gaddafi was anything OTHER than the outcome of a Western plot.
NOW we've got a guaranteed 100+ post threadIt would be astoundingly naive to believe that the toppling of Gaddafi was anything OTHER than the outcome of a Western plot.
[QUOTE="Stesilaus"]NOW we've got a guaranteed 100+ post thread Seems likely! *popcorn*It would be astoundingly naive to believe that the toppling of Gaddafi was anything OTHER than the outcome of a Western plot.
Checking on news of this, it's on... 2 sites... and Gamespot is the sixth google search result. I'm highly skeptical.
Yeah I just tried looking this up and it doesn't seem very reliable.... I managed to find a video but I'm kind of scared to watch it
NOW we've got a guaranteed 100+ post thread Seems likely! *popcorn*[QUOTE="xaos"][QUOTE="Stesilaus"]
It would be astoundingly naive to believe that the toppling of Gaddafi was anything OTHER than the outcome of a Western plot.
Oh, I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Khalifa Belqasim Haftar---the new lieutenant general of Libya's armed forces---just happened to spend 20 years living in Vienna, Virginia, 5 minutes' drive away from the CIA headquarters in Langley.
[QUOTE="Stesilaus"]NOW we've got a guaranteed 100+ post threadIt would be astoundingly naive to believe that the toppling of Gaddafi was anything OTHER than the outcome of a Western plot.
It needs a more original plot. This combination of starting revolutions under the radar of all but an observant few, yet failing to manage his own private life, has already been done to death by James Bond.
NOW we've got a guaranteed 100+ post threadxaosSeems likely! *popcorn*
Oh, I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Khalifa Belqasim Haftar---the new lieutenant general of Libya's armed forces---just happened to spend 20 years living in Vienna, Virginia, 5 minutes' drive away from the CIA headquarters in Langley.
Oh, you're on to something here, tell me more.[QUOTE="Stesilaus"][QUOTE="Frame_Dragger"] Seems likely! *popcorn*
Oh, I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Khalifa Belqasim Haftar---the new lieutenant general of Libya's armed forces---just happened to spend 20 years living in Vienna, Virginia, 5 minutes' drive away from the CIA headquarters in Langley.
Oh, you're on to something here, tell me more.That alone is compelling enough.
There's plenty more, but typing it out and researching the references would be like widdling in the wind, because you'd just respond to it with another single-sentence posting.
Oh, I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Khalifa Belqasim Haftar---the new lieutenant general of Libya's armed forces---just happened to spend 20 years living in Vienna, Virginia, 5 minutes' drive away from the CIA headquarters in Langley.
Oh, you're on to something here, tell me more.That alone is compelling enough.
There's plenty more, but typing it out and researching the references would be like widdling in the wind, because you'd just respond to it with another single-sentence posting.
A guy living near Langley... and getting to how the CIA engineers an uprising in Libya (now of all times) is a HUUUUUUGE stretch. Once again, I'm still waiting to hear why the US wanted Qaddafi gone at all now of all times. Some vague currency bull **** doesn't cut it, especially given how uninvolved we are in Libya economically. Meanwhile, you're saying that the same agency that couldn't kill Castro sat on the capacity to engineer a Libyan rebellion, but didn't do it during the decades when we nakedly opposed Qaddafi. I realize that in conspiracy-land and Pakistan this **** plays, but on Earth it's called a reason to pop corn.You're talking to someone who has made it clear he thinks this whole thing was a western plot, Qaddafi was a fine leader, and the Libyans involved were... well... he already said that. I wouldn't waste your time with anything like reason.[QUOTE="Frame_Dragger"]
I would not call them savages, after all we have not had to live under his regime for allthat length of time, I am sure there must have been much pent up anger felt towards him because of how the situation hasd been there, of course the only people that can confirm this are the Libyan people and I douby anything said in (ANY) national media outlet can be taken as being the whole truth.Stesilaus
Checking on news of this, it's on... 2 sites... and Gamespot is the sixth google search result. I'm highly skeptical.
It would be astoundingly naive to believe that the toppling of Gaddafi was anything OTHER than the outcome of a Western plot.
I'm sorry if it seems incredibly far fetched to think that this was not a natural extension of the Arab Spring and the culmination of years of chronic political and economic problems all over the region, unless you are implying that is all a western plot as well.
I wouldn't say libyan people but just some savages.
I would also be angry if the government gave me free electricity, a discounted house after my marriage, a discounted car, job security, and a good amount of money each month.
I would be more angry at 20%+ unemployment, large amounts of poverty, and economic neglect, as well as people reposting blatant lies on the Internet.
I would be more angry at 20%+ unemployment, large amounts of poverty, and economic neglect, as well as people reposting blatant lies on the Internet.
Sounds like US in a few years.
And we get blatant lies on the Internet every time CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, etc. publish anything on their websites.
People here in OT are too steeped in MSM propaganda to be able to recognize the truth.
I recommend Information Clearing House as a more reliable source. Any essay on the Libyan conflict that you read there will contain more truth than anything you'd read on CNN, MSNBC, etc.
I would be more angry at 20%+ unemployment, large amounts of poverty, and economic neglect, as well as people reposting blatant lies on the Internet.
Sounds like US in a few years.
And we get blatant lies on the Internet every time CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, etc. publish anything on their websites.
People here in OT are too steeped in MSM propaganda to be able to recognize the truth.
I recommend Information Clearing House as a more reliable source. Any essay on the Libyan conflict that you read there will contain more truth than anything you'd read on CNN, MSNBC, etc.
"For Libyans, it has meant a loss of ownership of their own future and the effective imposition of a western-picked administration of Gaddafi defectors and US and British intelligence assets."
Yeah, right. Seems like the same unadulterated garbage on Canadian Mind Products and Infowars.
Also, you postedthis ridiculous article from the very same source back in August, which is not only full of false information, but was posted 3 days before the uprising in Tripoli and 11 days before the rebels took complete control. Isn't life ironic sometimes?
I would be more angry at 20%+ unemployment, large amounts of poverty, and economic neglect, as well as people reposting blatant lies on the Internet.
Sounds like US in a few years.
And we get blatant lies on the Internet every time CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, etc. publish anything on their websites.
People here in OT are too steeped in MSM propaganda to be able to recognize the truth.
I recommend Information Clearing House as a more reliable source. Any essay on the Libyan conflict that you read there will contain more truth than anything you'd read on CNN, MSNBC, etc.
"For Libyans, it has meant a loss of ownership of their own future and the effective imposition of a western-picked administration of Gaddafi defectors and US and British intelligence assets."
Yeah, right. Seems like the same unadulterated garbage on Canadian Mind Products and Infowars.
Also, you postedthis ridiculous article from the very same source back in August, which is not only full of false information, but was posted 3 days before the uprising in Tripoli and 11 days before the rebels took complete control. Isn't life ironic sometimes?
Oh my god... at least Stes is consistantly out-there in his conspiracy theories, if not internally consistant regarding what they say. @Stesilaus: I have to admit, I understans why some of the Pakistani contingent believe what they do, given its history and how relations have been souring with the west in general and US in particular. It's a big country with media that makes Fox News look like a group of highly rational empiricist Rhodes Scholars, but Stes... what is YOUR excuse? I'm almost tempted to ask what you think about Orgone, 8th dimensional reptiles, and the moon landing.[QUOTE="jetpower3"]
I would be more angry at 20%+ unemployment, large amounts of poverty, and economic neglect, as well as people reposting blatant lies on the Internet.
Sounds like US in a few years.
And we get blatant lies on the Internet every time CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, etc. publish anything on their websites.
People here in OT are too steeped in MSM propaganda to be able to recognize the truth.
I recommend Information Clearing House as a more reliable source. Any essay on the Libyan conflict that you read there will contain more truth than anything you'd read on CNN, MSNBC, etc.
That is one of the sorriest sources of ANYTHING except lulz I've ever seen, and I wish GS offered us the freedom to express just how incredible it is that someone would even ADMIT to using it. You might as well cite David Icke's (not the mod) site... I mean **** man. You're perliously close to being "that guy" who puts "the truth" in caps every time the words are used. Still, I'm fascinated as to why you think that media and the internet represents a grand conspiracy of lies on one hand, but this pissant website you link to is allowed to exist. Doesn't the inherently contradictory nature of your beliefs EVER grab you, even for a moment, or did that ship sail years ago?Please Log In to post.
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