So this really boils my blood sometimes, that is to say, getting a job and possibly a career through 'connections'.
Out of all my close friends (about 6 people) who have recently graduated from university in the past year with varying degrees have got their current jobs which are reasonably well paid city jobs in fields pretty sought after by plenty of graduates, i.e. accountancy, insurance and engineering, through a relative or friend.
Only one of my friends has actually bothered to go out and look for about four months for their own employment.
Now this really gets on my nerves. I just consider this extremely lazy.
Had they attempted to go out and find a job and six months down the line they come back with nothing, then perhaps I'd be more understanding. This wasn't the case however, all of them left university with reasonable degrees 2.1-2.2 (not sure what the U.S degree scoring scheme is like) and managed to ask their parents or relatives to get them a job within 4 weeks of leaving university and coming home. Two of which didn't even have to attend an interview.
Would you find this acceptable to do? Or would you attempt to find one yourself in a reasonable amount of time? Or do you think it's every man (or woman!) for themselves in the current job market/economic climate?
I'd like to point out I'm not bitter :P
I have already have a job.
Also I don't hold it against my friends for doing this, nor do I hate them for it - perhaps more frustration at soceity as a whole about this issue.
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