I'd never see the day I'd post a thread like this here, but here it goes. will talk in short sentances as to get the point across without giving out much detail, for classified reasons.
met this girl on myspace a couple of years back. she is my friends friend. we'd always talk and share a lot of things in common.but we only hung out about 2 or 3 times. a couple of months ago I asked her to junior prom as friends but she said "it would be kind of weird going with a friend". we've been talking a lot recently. we have been webcamming almost every night from about 12AM to 4AM, and we are always talking and I always make her laugh.but whenever I ask her to hang out, she never wants to. she said something along the lines that during the summer it's like her only time to be able to do what she wants to do by herself so she's rarely going out.I'm starting to dig her. is it just friends or something more? what should I do next? advice appreciated. thanks
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