Something happened last night with my girlfriend and I. I'll make it short. So she came over last night and we were taking pictures on my bed. She asked to see the camera roll of my iphone. In my camera roll there was a picture of my ex and I on the bed, this picture was taken a year ago and I don't even talk to my ex anymore. She got very upset, got all her stuff, and stormed out my house at 12 midnight in the rain. I tried to call her back to either call a cab for her or drive her home. She said we're through and to never contact her again. I sent her a few text messages this morning trying to apologize and explain the situation but she never responded. I been very sad today... the whole day. What happened was I really did forget about my ex and forgot to delete the photos. Anyone have any suggestions/advice how I should get her back? I really like her a lot.
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