Yes, and if you don't before you get into a relationship, it will go to sh!t.
True, but I always find it hard to find a connection with some women. I try to but it doesn't work, I usually the end up in a boring relationship I don't care about, in that case I found it better to be single. When you get that connection though it's great, it's like a drug literally (no I don't do hardcore drugs) but they have shown through science that the brain releases chemicals that make you feel great and it's partly due in part to the scent of the women.
You exchange scents on a unconcious level, and her genes are "compatible" with your genes then the connection might kick in. There are no better gens mind you, but each person's DNA is different and each one is complimented by different DNA types. It's hard to explain and there are many other factors involved, but I found it intersting to say the least.
You are overthinking it way too much, you like a girl you have chemistry with her, period. Is not about DNA or scents, at least that's why i think.
Not nesseccarily, simply liking a girl and chemistry are too different things. I know from experience where I liked a girl and thought she was attractive or whatever, but didn't have chemsitry nesseccarily. It's a totaly different thing, it's kind of hard to explain unless you expereinced it yourself.
It's a feeling like no other and it does have some odd physical affects like making your pupils larger ect...but like I said, you have to expereince it to understand it and there have been science that have found this.
Of course it isn't the only thing and there are a TON of other factors. Like attraction is very subjective so a girl who you think looks hot while someone else think she could be ugly (it's in the eye of the beholder as they say) and then there is of course confidence ect....
But something interesting though is that we are sort of "programmed" to avoid DNA that isn't compatible with us, like let's say you had a long lost sister and you didn't know she was but you kissed eachother on the mouth, you would then immediately get a disgusting feeling and bad taste because your body would say that is bad DNA so to speak.
It's odd how complex we are as a species, but ya there have been studies to show this and the reason why we kiss is to exchange genetic information with our partner (at least so we think). But again attraction is in the eye of the beholder so who knows, it's all very complex but chemistry does exist.
That being said I should point out that NO one has better genes then anyone else, just that we are more compatible with different ones than others and everyone's is different.
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