Say you are sitting there at home wondering what you are going to go do later. The wife wants to go out with some pals this coming weekend and you wouldn't mind that. You look out and see the grass is in need of some watering. And you remember that one time you burned your hand after grabbing some part of the lawnmower after use in a moment of absentmindedness. An event that caused you some panic that perhaps the burn will be serious and for the next couple of hours your hand is in pain and needs a good soak in water to keep the pain at bay. And then to your great relief the pain resides and things seem like they will be fine. For the next few weeks your fingertips don't have sensation and part of them have blistered over so you can't play games and get thrown out of momentum with the games you have been playing. So that even though you were going full force on a game it's now been some months since you last played it and have been meaning to go back. But you keep putting it off. And the one time you tried getting back into it, you experienced a level of unpleasantness at having to get back into the games rhythm and just was not feeling it. As you are thinking about all that you realize you are craving a snack. And you look to the snacks that you have in the pantry.
2 questions
What kinds of snacks do you see?
What snack do you pick up?
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