Do you ever believe that God is alien and we thought of him as God? I think God is probably an ultra intelligent alien and we mistaken him as the alimghty, but no evidence so can't confirm that.
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Do you ever believe that God is alien and we thought of him as God? I think God is probably an ultra intelligent alien and we mistaken him as the alimghty, but no evidence so can't confirm that.
Do you ever believe that God is alien and we thought of him as God? I think God is probably an ultra intelligent alien and we mistaken him as the alimghty, but no evidence so can't confirm that.
Probably? How did you stumble upon this theory?
One of the "arguments", for lack of a better word, for God is that although we believe the universe was created by the Big Bang, where did those particles/matter come from that created that event? God is used as the answer. An alien, however, you would believe that it is a form of life in the universe created after the big bang.
If you mean that God is a giant alien cat that floats in the cosmos and sends tiny alien cats to earth to record people's deeds and recharge their power supply by way of static electrical friction though petting, then sorry, I already thought of it.
God is a spirit.
An alien spirit?
Well, he resides in heaven, so I guess you could say that.I would lend more credence to God being an alien of some sort than I would him being some supernatural, omnipotent being that has unlimited power over the universe.
But, either way, there's no evidence showing there is any sort of God at all - either a physical being or some faith-based entity.
So until the world ends in October (lol) I'm a skeptic.
Seriously, though, we don;t know s*** about the universe. Science is nothing if it isn't trial and error, and they contradict themsleves all the time, so I have no problem beliveing in a 2000 year old book instead of some dude me the existence of black holes prove God doesn't exist, all the while making money for it.
Seriously, though, we don;t know s*** about the universe. Science is nothing if it isn't trial and error, and they contradict themsleves all the time, so I have no problem beliveing in a 2000 year old book instead of some dude me the existence of black holes prove God doesn't exist, all the while making money for it.
Change that to 'You' know s*** about the universe'
There is actually an awful lot known about the universe, because you personally have no clue do not assume other don't.
Well, he resides in heaven, so I guess you could say that.[QUOTE="racer8dan"]
An alien spirit?
If we are made in god image are we all aliens to?
What?No sorry. God Is an Omnipotent spirit which means he is everything, not anything. I'm sure God could apear to us as he wanted though. But as far as the idea that Earth and Humanity were created by an alien goes, I think thats a load of Bull, because it was created by God, not some mortal creature that came down and made it :|
Also just a thought; If we're made in Gods form then he couldn't look alien to us maybe?
No sorry. God Is an Omnipotent spirit which means he is everything, not anything.
+ If we're made in Gods form then he couldn't look alien to us maybe?
how can you be everything without being anything......What?[QUOTE="racer8dan"]
If we are made in god image are we all aliens to?
Ok so we are not aliens just copies of aliens?
Aliens to who?[QUOTE="Fundai"]how can you be everything without being anything......No sorry. God Is an Omnipotent spirit which means he is everything, not anything.
+ If we're made in Gods form then he couldn't look alien to us maybe?
he's Everything without being Any one thing (You see, the words everything and Anything have different meanings: By saying hes not anything I mean he's not one Thing, By saying he is Everything means he is All at the same time)
Seriously, though, we don;t know s*** about the universe. Science is nothing if it isn't trial and error, and they contradict themsleves all the time, so I have no problem beliveing in a 2000 year old book instead of some dude me the existence of black holes prove God doesn't exist, all the while making money for it.
Change that to 'You' know s*** about the universe'
There is actually an awful lot known about the universe, because you personally have no clue do not assume other don't.
I read Buckminster Fuller, Bear, Bohm, Hawkins, Kaku, Greeneand a bunch of others. I know plenty about the universe. But you're welcome to be apresumptuous douchebag just because I don't agree with you. String theory, the multiverse, entanglement, quantum tunnels, theone dimensional holographic universe, etc. In another 100 years we'll probably have a whole otherview of these concepts if he haven't discarded them already.
So like I said, we don't know much, because we're rewritting what we think we know every decade.
I've seen absolutely no reason to believe that God exists..... why would I assume that an alien species is "God", then?
Seriously, though, we don;t know s*** about the universe. Science is nothing if it isn't trial and error, and they contradict themsleves all the time, so I have no problem beliveing in a 2000 year old book instead of some dude me the existence of black holes prove God doesn't exist, all the while making money for it.
Change that to 'You' know s*** about the universe'
There is actually an awful lot known about the universe, because you personally have no clue do not assume other don't.
I read Buckminster Fuller, Bear, Bohm, Hawkins, Kaku, Greeneand a bunch of others. I know plenty about the universe. But you're welcome to be apresumptuous douchebag just because I don't agree with you. String theory, the multiverse, entanglement, quantum tunnels, theone dimensional holographic universe, etc. In another 100 years we'll probably have a whole otherview of these concepts if he haven't discarded them already.
So like I said, we don't know much, because we're rewritting what we think we know every decade.
So you think a 2000 year old book written by people with little or no scientlific knowledge holds more scientific knowledge then science today? How many of theories you mentioned above are detailed in the bible?
The fact that science rewrites things is the reason why science works, unlike religion if evidence is discovered that shows something is wrong science is happy to change it, unlike the dogma of religion.
Damn, this thread didn't end well. But I want to believe, based on what I "heard" from these aliens nuts on the net, apparently aliens existed and have many different species. Some look exactly like us, and others are like those cartoon aliens "greys". And even these reptilians. And the aliens have their own set of governments. It sounds really really cool. I wish they were real.
Damn, this thread didn't end well. But I want to believe, based on what I "heard" from these aliens nuts on the net, apparently aliens existed and have many different species. Some look exactly like us, and others are like those cartoon aliens "greys". And even these reptilians. And the aliens have their own set of governments. It sounds really really cool. I wish they were real.
It is one theory about the origin of life, aliens seeding planets. We won't ever know unless they come back and say hi it was us.
Change that to 'You' know s*** about the universe'
There is actually an awful lot known about the universe, because you personally have no clue do not assume other don't.
I read Buckminster Fuller, Bear, Bohm, Hawkins, Kaku, Greeneand a bunch of others. I know plenty about the universe. But you're welcome to be apresumptuous douchebag just because I don't agree with you. String theory, the multiverse, entanglement, quantum tunnels, theone dimensional holographic universe, etc. In another 100 years we'll probably have a whole otherview of these concepts if he haven't discarded them already.
So like I said, we don't know much, because we're rewritting what we think we know every decade.
So you think a 2000 year old book written by people with little or no scientlific knowledge holds more scientific knowledge then science today? How many of theories you mentioned above are detailed in the bible?
The fact that science rewrites things is the reason why science works, unlike religion if evidence is discovered that shows something is wrong science is happy to change it, unlike the dogma of religion.
The universe could be an illusion, the human mind is capable of replicating any experience, conventional logic breaks down on a subatomic level.
This pretty much gives you license to believe whatever you prefer to believe in, because it is very possible that it's all a scam.
You sound pretty chained to your faith in science. You know, people pay money to get educated, end up with a specialized degree and write books to promote their specialized field. The scientific community is a shameless money making industry, and they often provide us with nothing that we could live without. Look at how much money went into CERN? What a waste. And these are the people you're putting your faith in?
The universe could be an illusion, the human mind is capable of replicating any experience, conventional logic breaks down on a subatomic level.
This pretty much gives you license to believe whatever you prefer to believe in, because it is very possible that it's all a scam.
You sound pretty chained to your faith in science. You know, people pay money to get educated, end up with a specialized degree and write books to promote their specialized field. The scientific community is a shameless money making industry, and they often provide us with nothing that we could live without. Look at how much money went into CERN? What a waste. And these are the people you're putting your faith in?
I personally have about a 30% credance inBostroms computer sim theory.
I am not sure about the money aspect you are talking about, the main point of all organised religion is to make money. Here is the store from a christian group you may know.
well this decade, documentaries are filled by theories(like human aliens, 2012) and not facts.punkpunkerYou mean speculation?
[QUOTE="punkpunker"]well this decade, documentaries are filled by theories(like human aliens, 2012) and not facts.foxhound_foxYou mean speculation?
The universe could be an illusion, the human mind is capable of replicating any experience, conventional logic breaks down on a subatomic level.
This pretty much gives you license to believe whatever you prefer to believe in, because it is very possible that it's all a scam.
You sound pretty chained to your faith in science. You know, people pay money to get educated, end up with a specialized degree and write books to promote their specialized field. The scientific community is a shameless money making industry, and they often provide us with nothing that we could live without. Look at how much money went into CERN? What a waste. And these are the people you're putting your faith in?
I personally have about a 30% credance inBostroms computer sim theory.
I am not sure about the money aspect you are talking about, the main point of all organised religion is to make money. Here is the store from a christian group you may know.
It's absurd to think that modern organized religion isn;t about making money. I'm not arguing that.
I'm just amused when people (not specificaally you) calim to question religion and then turn to athiesm, meanwhile knwoing nothing about modern scientific thinking, phiosophy and practices. My coworker is an athiest. She told me she beleives in the truth. I started grilling her on some of the things above and she had no idea what I was talking about. In short- she lets other athiests spoonfeed her as readily as some believers do.
The universe could be an illusion, the human mind is capable of replicating any experience, conventional logic breaks down on a subatomic level.
This pretty much gives you license to believe whatever you prefer to believe in, because it is very possible that it's all a scam.
You sound pretty chained to your faith in science. You know, people pay money to get educated, end up with a specialized degree and write books to promote their specialized field. The scientific community is a shameless money making industry, and they often provide us with nothing that we could live without. Look at how much money went into CERN? What a waste. And these are the people you're putting your faith in?
I personally have about a 30% credance inBostroms computer sim theory.
I've read Wolfram's book on self organizing systems and cellular automoata. He talks about complex systems self organizing with only the most basic program.
So, who wrote the program for the universe?Who decided thatstrong and weak nuclear forces dictate the behavior of atomic particles?
yespunkpunkerGood. :P Because to me, "theory" carries connotation of truth, since I've only ever known the scientific usage of the word, which is an explanation backed up by many facts.
It's absurd to think that modern organized religion isn;t about making money. I'm not arguing that.
I'm just amused when people (not specificaally you) calim to question religion and then turn to athiesm, meanwhile knwoing nothing about modern scientific thinking, phiosophy and practices. My coworker is an athiest. She told me she beleives in the truth. I started grilling her on some of the things above and she had no idea what I was talking about. In short- she lets other athiests spoonfeed her as readily as some believers do.
Children don't need any scientific knowledge to stop believing in santa or the tooth fairy. No scientific knowledge is needed to be an athiest. There is zero evidence for god, this is enough for some people.
It's absurd to think that modern organized religion isn;t about making money. I'm not arguing that.
I'm just amused when people (not specificaally you) calim to question religion and then turn to athiesm, meanwhile knwoing nothing about modern scientific thinking, phiosophy and practices. My coworker is an athiest. She told me she beleives in the truth. I started grilling her on some of the things above and she had no idea what I was talking about. In short- she lets other athiests spoonfeed her as readily as some believers do.
Children don't need any scientific knowledge to stop believing in santa or the tooth fairy. No scientific knowledge is needed to be an athiest. There is zero evidence for god, this is enough for some people.
You do realize that based on the principles of modern string theory that if you can imagine it, there is a good possibility it exists?
If there were zero evidence for God, were wouldn't be having this conversation. Just like if a tree falls in the forest:
We developed ears because there were sounds to hear in our environment prior to our having ears. If there were no sounds, there would have been no reason to develop ears. So if we're not there to hear the tree fall, it most likely does make a sound, based on that logic.
If there were no evidence for God, no one would have had a reason to believe in him, thus there would be no religion and the MAJORITY of the human race wouldn't believe in some form of God.
Evidence for a thing is subjective. There are no facts in the universe, because things can shange. Only computation is empirical. What the numbers represent isn't.
Children don't need any scientific knowledge to stop believing in santa or the tooth fairy. No scientific knowledge is needed to be an athiest. There is zero evidence for god, this is enough for some people.
You do realize that based on the principles of modern string theory that if you can imagine it, there is a good possibility it exists?
If there were zero evidence for God, were wouldn't be having this conversation. Just like if a tree falls in the forest:
We developed ears because there were sounds to hear in our environment prior to our having ears. If there were no sounds, there would have been no reason to develop ears. So if we're not there to hear the tree fall, it most likely does make a sound, based on that logic.
If there were no evidence for God, no one would have had a reason to believe in him, thus there would be no religion and the MAJORITY of the human race wouldn't believe in some form of God.
Evidence for a thing is subjective. There are no facts in the universe, because things can shange. Only computation is empirical. What the numbers represent isn't.
'There is no smoke without fire' is not really credible evidence for god.
Children don't need any scientific knowledge to stop believing in santa or the tooth fairy. No scientific knowledge is needed to be an athiest. There is zero evidence for god, this is enough for some people.
You do realize that based on the principles of modern string theory that if you can imagine it, there is a good possibility it exists?
If there were zero evidence for God, were wouldn't be having this conversation. Just like if a tree falls in the forest:
We developed ears because there were sounds to hear in our environment prior to our having ears. If there were no sounds, there would have been no reason to develop ears. So if we're not there to hear the tree fall, it most likely does make a sound, based on that logic.
If there were no evidence for God, no one would have had a reason to believe in him, thus there would be no religion and the MAJORITY of the human race wouldn't believe in some form of God.
Evidence for a thing is subjective. There are no facts in the universe, because things can shange. Only computation is empirical. What the numbers represent isn't.
'There is no smoke without fire' is not really credible evidence for god.
is this gonna turn into a chicken and the egg type thing[QUOTE="kbpyrokb"]
is this gonna turn into a chicken and the egg type thing
na, besides its well known that chickens evolved from dinos first :P
ok what came first the dino or the egg[QUOTE="alienlegion"]
Children don't need any scientific knowledge to stop believing in santa or the tooth fairy. No scientific knowledge is needed to be an athiest. There is zero evidence for god, this is enough for some people.
You do realize that based on the principles of modern string theory that if you can imagine it, there is a good possibility it exists?
If there were zero evidence for God, were wouldn't be having this conversation. Just like if a tree falls in the forest:
We developed ears because there were sounds to hear in our environment prior to our having ears. If there were no sounds, there would have been no reason to develop ears. So if we're not there to hear the tree fall, it most likely does make a sound, based on that logic.
If there were no evidence for God, no one would have had a reason to believe in him, thus there would be no religion and the MAJORITY of the human race wouldn't believe in some form of God.
Evidence for a thing is subjective. There are no facts in the universe, because things can shange. Only computation is empirical. What the numbers represent isn't.
'There is no smoke without fire' is not really credible evidence for god.
Scientists have been using this philosophy regarding the generation of the universe for ages.
Scientist: "Don't beleive in God, he doesn't exist. Believe instead that the universe came from nothing."
Believer: "But that's impossible. Something can't come from nothing, can it?"
Scientist: "Hey look, we just make this up as we go along. Just go with us on this one, okay?"
ok what came first the dino or the egg[QUOTE="kbpyrokb"][QUOTE="tenaka2"]
na, besides its well known that chickens evolved from dinos first :P
The egg obviously.
But what kept the egg warm so that it could hatch?Scientists have been using this philosophy regarding the generation of the universe for ages.
Scientist: "Don't beleive in God, he doesn't exist. Believe instead that the universe came from nothing."
Believer: "But that's impossible. Something can't come from nothing, can it?"
Scientist: "Hey look, we just make this up as we go along. Just go with us on this one, okay?"
If you knew as much about science as you claim you would be aware that scientist do not claim that something came from nothing.
Besides the exact same rational works with gods, where did gods come from?
Scientists have been using this philosophy regarding the generation of the universe for ages.
Scientist: "Don't beleive in God, he doesn't exist. Believe instead that the universe came from nothing."
Believer: "But that's impossible. Something can't come from nothing, can it?"
Scientist: "Hey look, we just make this up as we go along. Just go with us on this one, okay?"
If you knew as much about science as you claim you would be aware that scientist do not claim that something came from nothing.
Besides the exact same rational works with gods, where dis gods come from?
Then where did something come from?Please Log In to post.
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