Yeah, I know, "Get a job".
I've got a job though. And I've got money. I'm not broke and unemployed, and asking how to make enough money to buy a PS3.
Instead, suppose I am employed, have a steady source of income, and own several thousand dollars that I can spend. Not MANY thousand dollars, but several.
Now, they say that it takes money to make money. Suppose hypothetically that I've got a little bit of money. What are some good ideas on how to turn that money into more money? If you had, let's say between 5 and 10 thousand dollars that you could blow on anything, and you wanted to use that money to make more money, what would you do? How would you invest that money in order to benefit you? Also, consider that we're also not talking about a LOT of expendable money, just between 5 and 10 thousand dollars. So any money-making venture proposed must be able to be started with an initial investment of less than 5 and 10 thousand dollars. I can't exactly buy a yacht and take tourists on cruises, because I don't have THAT much money.
But keep in mind that this is all hypothetical, since I actually AM broke.
But if I weren't broke, and had between 5 and ten thousand dollars to spend, what are some good ways I could turn that into more money?
And don't say "spend it on college".
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