I'm not sure I want to spend that much on lunch each day. Also, that must've been a pain to make.Wolfetan
Whole grain pasta along with the vegetables are a dollar a pound (in the US) and fruit is cheap (banannas are like 69 cents a lb). That entire lunch including the protein shake cost me like $2...... (im getting a big lunch full of A TON of nuturients for two freaking dollars :shock: )It wasn't really a pain at all. The wholegrain pasta I would make Sunday and it required no effort (turn on water, wait for it to boil, insert pasta and stir every couple of minutes till done). Not only that but I would make 2lbs at a time (that would EASILY last me the entire week, i almost always used tomatoe sauce for flavoring).
Vegetables I would steam in the microwave which is virtually no effort (I would do 1lb at a time which would last the entire school week). Cooking the chicken was a joke on an electric grill (pre-heat grill, put chicken on grill and wait 7-8 minutes and then remove). If I wanted BBQ chicken then I would simply set the temp down to low (basically a broil), add sauce and then cook another minute or two
So basicallly it took me in total like 15 minutes of actual work to make my entire weeks lunch and once the price was divided amoung the week (plus leftovers), the lunch would cost me like $1.50 a day ($2 if I brought a protein shake).
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