..my first amateur mma match. I'm currently taking mauy thai at my gym and had the chance to set up my first official match. I usually do so well in sparring sessions I thought I was ready. I was gonna**** this guy up
the match started out well enough. touched gloves, was utilizing head movement and proper footwork. I even clipped him in the first exchange, but after that things started to go downhill. Soon I realized something about myself: I really don't like getting hit. I have a glass chin. In the second exchange I threw a wild haymaker, and my opponment mangaged to slip that punch and countered brilliantly with an uppercut flush on the chin. As soon as it landed I could feel my legs getting wobbly. I was rocked. He hit me again and my legs quit on me. That's one of the worst feelings in the world..having your legs give out on you (not being able to stand on your own power). My opponent then pounced and landed at least 4-6 more shots at the side of my head. I was covering up but at that point I was basically blocking his punches with my face. Every punch with those 4 oz gloves felt like my head was about to cave in. I remember all I could think was 'chill bro chill!'. The ref eventually stepped in and my opponent won by TKO in the first.
Two things I learned:
1) I am not an MMA fighter
2) Pro Mix martial artists are warriors and I have a new found respect for them.
I'll just stick to watching the UFC..:x
QUESTION: Anybody train in MMA here? If so drop some stories about your first MMA fight! :!:
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