no facts or figures in this post
i have a feeling that if the government just stopped being so intrusive within the market raising the barriers of entry and up keep costs, the economy would turn over in 6 months, this would have to include allowing competition, major reform and repeals of IP and copyright laws as well as any mandates in OB care.
though welfare does promote stagnation, people do want to be productive, but with the overhead new risky businesses cant take risk they cant start. there is too much downward pressure from the machine as it were. i am personally indifferent if the system fails or turns to a sustainable course.
of course military intervention needs to be cut way back as well as foreign aid, and government pensions eat up close to all personal tax receipts.
a lot of the stuff i dont like and i know is bad can be saved for decades, but that wealth has to come from those who the future payments are collected from. if they cant create that wealth, they sure as heck cat pay it. that is where we are right now, the worst case is that we continue as we are and the world drops us as the reserve currency(it is in the process of happening ), at that point liquid cash will be dumped on the us and the dollar dies.
the fed has been fighting asset deflation with its bad asset purchases, so far that has totaled over a trillion dollars, those are direct bank bailouts, the too big to fails have to fail, the housing market will crash again, unless that hyper inflation happens when the process of dropping the dollar completes.
TLDR: the US has to stop the war on everything, from food choice job choice, from other countries to local idea policing in the form of current IP and patent enforcement , then it can keep its social programs for a few decades. IMHO
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